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Tolerance Does Not Mean Being Best Friends With by ACDragon

This shouldn't be hard to understand. I despise neo-nazis and white supremacists and white nationalists and all that other racist crap. That does NOT mean, however, that I think beating the living shit out of them is a valid response to them voicing their opinions.

You don't have to like people to tolerate them. And yet I have some dumbass on Twitter acting like I'm being all buddy-buddy with nazis because I believe that assaulting them for having a different opinion than my own is wrong. Because I believe in Freedom of Speech, this dumbshit thinks I'm best friends with nazis. What a fucking moron!

Seriously, think about this. Every place on earth has pests. We don't like them, we tolerate them. I live in Texas, and there are a lot of cockroaches in Texas. I don't like cockroaches, and in fact the mere sight of one makes me want to gag. But I tolerate their existence in the same land I live in, because they're kind of live around here. That doesn't mean that if I find a cockroach in my bed that I'm going to want to kiss it and father its children. Good god, people, grow some fucking brain cells and use them for something other than a doorstop for a change. Tolerating something or someone does NOT equate to becoming best friends with it. It doesn't take a Master's Degree in psychology to figure this out.

I have the same opinion of ANTIFA and BLM that I have about nazis, and I have the same opinion about ANY violent fanatical cult. Disagreeing with ANTIFA does not make me a nazi, and disagreeing with nazis does not make me ANTIFA. The only real difference at this point between ANTIFA and the "Nazis" they despise is that the "Nazis" are more well-behaved and law-abiding than their ANTIFA counterparts. Beyond that, they're equally fanatical and I don't like either one. I tolerate their existence because unlike some I could name, I believe in the rights of ALL Americans, and not just some of them.

In short, while I'm not on some "holy crusade" to wipe all cockroaches off the face of the Earth, I'm also not making love with them... and while I don't support violence against Neo-Nazis for exercising their free speech rights, I'm not best friends with them. Tolerance does NOT mean being best friends with. It's not a hard thing to grasp, provided you think for yourself instead of letting some dogmatic cult do your thinking for you.

Tolerance Does Not Mean Being Best Friends With


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