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Why I haven't been writing lately (I know, I know) by tigerwriter93

Hey guys~

Yeah...I haven't been writing a lot lately; a lot of that is due to how fast things have been changing in my life for the past few months. Between starting a new job and starting my last semester in college a few weeks ago, I also got thrown under the bus and was forced to find a new place before my friend moved to Utah (which was today). So, after working a temporary summer job, I had to start a new, full-time job (which is night shifts), start my last semester of college (which is thankfully just two classes), and move to a new place fast. All at the same time.

Needless to say, I've had no time or energy to write, let alone any time for myself to relax and de-stress a little.

But, as of today, everything of mine is all moved in, my friend is on his way to Utah, and I'm about a month into the semester and my new job. Hopefully (and I do mean it) things will start to slow down a bit for me so I can take my time getting settled, work on course work, and get some routine down so I could schedule in some writing time. There are a couple chat groups I'm hoping to rejoin soon as well; I miss them dearly.

As for getting back into writing in general, I know "waiting for inspiration" isn't going to cut it. I could look up some prompts, sure, or work on older, unfinished projects, or even edit some RP logs; but I would like to establish some kind of warm-up exercise of my own design.

I've been thinking about interacting with my Twitter followers on my writing account more in some way; all I've used that for is to post small updates or share new writings. I've also been wanting to write something for anyone who's supported me on ko-fi (shameless plug). Both of these will most likely be something small, probably a flash-fiction piece or a short story that's 5,000 words or less. Either way, this will mainly be a way for me to keep writing and won't be too stressful on me, plus I think it would be a good warm-up or general exercise. Plus, I've been meaning to do something to show my appreciation for those who've supported me, be it on ko-fi, Twitter, or anywhere else.

Let me know what you guys think of this idea, and I'll see what I can come up with. I think it'll be fun!


Why I haven't been writing lately (I know, I know)


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  • Link

    You do you! Life happens and you gotta take care of yourself ^^ You do what you gotta do! Classes and work are important so don't stress out about cranking anything out ^_^ You do you bud :)

    • Link

      Thanks ^^

      It's just been hard for me this past month or so...I swear, I barely have time to slow down and really relax anymore.

      • Link

        I feel that on a spiritual level lol. Moving and adjusting can be difficult so best to seize any and every opportunity to relax even for a little while. Hope you get some real time off, you really deserve it