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10 Years Ago Today (September 24, 2007) by Cyan Glaciertooth

It's hard to believe that it's been ten years since the mascot of the AHL's Quad City Flames, Firestorm the Fox was introduced to the public! Who's Firestorm? And what's so memorable about him? I was the one who designed him! That's right!

It began on June 25th of that year. The QC Flames announced a contest for fans to design a mascot for their team. I had a simple urge to draw a character of mine that's been in my head for only two months at the time, and submit it to the Flames organization. After almost three weeks of drawing variations of this character, details such as flames on the tail, type of hairstyle, etc., I sent it to the Flames organization in Moline, IL.

Originally, I was pessimistic about Firestorm not being chosen. Had the deadline been later to submit my mascot design, I would've made some changes I thought would need change to Firestorm. However, in late July, I receive an email from the Flames organization regarding Firestorm. I was told Firestorm was one of three designs chosen by the Flames staff to put on their website for fans to pick their favorite, and that the one with the most votes got to be the mascot! I remember running all over the house in excitement for having Firestorm be in the final three! However, I was still nervous mine won't get picked.

On September 5th, 2007, the QC Flames put up a schedule of events before their home opener in October. September 24th was the date they'll reveal their team mascot. I could not get the thought of who the Flames mascot would be out of my head. I had such an emotional tension over this. Even if Firestorm were to lose, I just wanted September 24th to come and go, so I could learn who got chosen and let this tension all drain out.

On September 24th, however, the Flames introduced their mascot. It was Firestorm! I receive an email from the Flames, pictures of the mascot I designed, only in COSTUME FORM!!! Seeing a character from my imagination be made into a mascot costume was just STUNNING! The fact that something of mine got accepted to be part of a sports league as professional as the AHL made me highly proud. It is definitely a day I still remember to this day, ten years later, and will remember for a lifetime!

A picture of the drawings I did of Firestorm, along with a picture of me with him, can be found here:

10 Years Ago Today (September 24, 2007)

Cyan Glaciertooth

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  • Link

    Congrats on winning!

    • Link

      Thank you, Rif! It was a huge honor having something of mine become accepted for a sports franchise like one in the AHL!