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Hospital v2 by Veyll

I got to talk with my father and the doctors today. Seems there was a mild miscommunication earlier. My mother had woken up this morning and was cognitive though only would give one or two word responses and was still displeased about being in the hospital (So she knew where she was too). They had to give her a small dosage to calm her so they could get clean CT and MRI scans. The scans had happened by the time I had shown up and she was resting well. Learned that the doctors suspect the mass pressing against her brain is Sarcoma from when she had her tumor removed from her leg and subsequent knee surgery that followed as a result. They'll know more tonight and were still scheduling an operation to remove the mass on Friday either way. They also want to give her a steroid to help reduce the swelling of her brain and the mass so that when she wakes up she'll be more comfortable and cognitive so that conversations can happen.

So yay! No coma. In other good news my sister isn't allowed to visit/see my mother unsupervised (As in my father has to be present). Some stress has dissipated in regards to that.

I will try to update this before and/or after the surgery again depending on the news I get.

Hospital v2


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    I am glad, I was so upset it might a comatose state but I am very relieved that it's not that. I hope she gets better soon man ^.^ Stay strong and make sure to try and get some rest too. Have to keep yourself fueled to help out. ^.^

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    great news for you and your mom

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    Good luck. : (

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    Good to hear that the doctors are on top of their game. Keep up the good work taking care of yourself and your family -- hopefully your mom's condition keeps improving and the surgery goes smoothly.

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    That's good news.