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Done with Politics, Religion, and "Science" by ACDragon

I'm sick to death of all the arguments and hostility that I end up getting stuck in the middle of because I have opinions that some dumbass narcissistic fucking self-entitled little brat in an adult body doesn't agree with. I joined this site to become better known as an artist, not become some activist or defend my honor against some self-important moron who's on a crusade to assassinate my character because I had the gall to speak an opinion they don't like.

If I speak my opinion from now on it'll be in the form of my art. Even that will get me a lot of hate, but at least it'll be my art they're hating on... and who knows? Maybe they'll even give me some free advertising by bringing more of their buddies' attention to my page.

Politics wasn't my forte until the early 90's when my church got all political and I discovered the Rush Limbaugh program on the radio. Religion became a huge issue shortly before that thanks to being a part of an IFB (Independent Fundamentalist Baptist) church which was obsessed with correcting everyone else's spirituality. And "Science," well... I put "Science" in quotation marks because most of what passes as "Science" in today's discussions isn't science at all, it's Scientism, a religious belief which worships Science in the same way that a religious Christian worships Jesus Christ. These things were never part of what I wanted to do with my life, and now with roughly half of my life over at the age of 46, I'm finding that I've done nothing of any real value for myself. I'm still relatively unknown as an artist and I want to be well-known and making money as an artist instead of sitting around and waiting for whatever divine intervention might potentially occur in order to miraculously deliver me from this shitty life of doing nothing but arguing, complaining, whining, and defending against idiots who can't stand it when I don't toe the line and agree with their every word or obey their every little command.

So expect me to be a lot quieter in the coming weeks. I am an artist, and I am a creator. I will become what I want to become, not what some overzealous fanatics of my past have tried to turn me into. I am not some little drone in an army of activists. I am my own person, with my own thoughts, my own beliefs, and my own life to live. And that in itself makes me better than the herd that I've been trying all these years to be a part of.

Done with Politics, Religion, and "Science"


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    I'm sorry people have been not nice.