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Prep-Prep-Prepping: We Have An Update by socalfurs

Labor Day has given way for rainstorms (yes… in August) and it has drawn us inside. While we have been cooped up, we have begun the annual “crunch time for FurBQ”. Stego and Kat have been looking over supplies, making lists and otherwise keeping track of all that awaits us in 3 weeks. We got the reservation, and a budget for meat (and starter items for our early crowd), and we are almost ready to go

… however, we have decided to do some rearranging of our space within our rented group area (Group Area 3). Please look at our updated calendar entry, which gives all information about our event and includes info about our FREE grilling areas for those that like to get proactive about cooking good food.

Regarding other events, we have been checking in with organizers and our September and October months have gotten some returning events, as well as some modifications. Please check out the calendar to see all the updates.

As a further side note, we will be working on some more things after FurBQ (sadly our site/social maintenance staff is just down to Kat). Within the last week or two, we were able to get our Facebook page into our possession. Thankful to some furs with a powerful voice to help solve this without relying on FB admins.) Kat also is working to restore more of our website (mostly the artwork and event galleries took the big hit).

In a nutshell, with some of those fixes, we are hoping to pull in more on local artists (regardless of medium) on something that will further bring in that local flavor. Given the variety of artists (and the variety of content ratings), Kat has been taking some notes.

Prep-Prep-Prepping: We Have An Update


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