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A Small Rant About an Unusual Writing Technique by Volt Siano

Here's a question:
Why do people always extend the last letter of a word when writing, instead of the letter that makes the sound they're trying to extend? For example, nobody holds out the "n" in "train;" they hold out the "a" when speaking.

"Here comes the traaaaaain!"


"Here comes the trainnnnnn!"

Try saying "trainnnnnn;" it's not nearly as dramatic, is it?

Okay, continue on with your daily life now.

A Small Rant About an Unusual Writing Technique

Volt Siano

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    I agree with you on that point. I think a lot of people just write................but they don't let the dialogue sound off in their heads. Their heads probably just do it the second way, because it's easier to lean on that final letter, instead of a letter in the middle. Or like "yeah": "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" as opposed to "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!", same thing as your train example. XD

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      It is a handy trick, reading something out loud or reading it slowly in your head. I keep hearing from most people that they often skim over things, but I never enjoy doing that; oftentimes when I read something quietly to myself, I actually read it at the same speed I would speak it, and with the same emotion and tone as well; do you do that?

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        I try to picture how characters sound in my can be easier when I picture cartoon/anime voice actors in my head saying the lines. But even with my original works, I usually cast familiar actors and listen to how they'd probably say the dialogue. It also helps me to find the words to stress (bold or italicize in formatting) and how the punctuation will be inserted and end. :)

        I also picture my original stuff as a movie or an anime in my head, so it lets me also get settings and movements to go with the dialogue. That can also effect how words are said.......if someone is pacing, dialogue can be spoken very fast or have unusual pauses, depending on the emotion in the physical action of pacing.

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          Exactly! Words shouldn't be separate from actions, and each character should have their own voice, even if there's no actual sound.

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            Yep! Exactly! Treat every story you write like you're watching a movie of it! :)

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    Oh man, thought I'm the only one to get bugged with that.
    There was a time this guy messaged me, "it looks good buttttttttttttttt...". Not only is this the last letter of the word, you can't even hold out the "t" like you'd want with "trainnnnn" !
    Just... ugh.

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      Ugh, you're right. That's nigh on impossible!

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    That's a writing pet peeve of mine, too! Not to mention the dozens of exclamation marks some people use.

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      I will admit to using multiple exclamation marks every now and then, but never in formal writing. Often times, I'll use 1-3, depending on the tone I'm going for.

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        3 is the max for me. Sometimes to make myself sound "playful", I'll have some number 1 in the mix, too. Something like...

        "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND !!!1!!11!111!"

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          I've even added the word "one" when I was feeling really playful. Don't remember the last time I did it, though.


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          Ah, yeah, I must admit to doing similar when talking to friends and being silly, but like Volt, never in formal prose. XD

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