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Determination by Veyll

Hey everyone. I wanted to let everyone know what's been going on with me lately. I know I am relatively quiet about myself and voicing problems I am having. For me it feels like I'm making excuses or just wining about little things. I suppose though that if these little things are derailing your life then they must not be so little. I took a step back recently to assess why I am being so much slower with my work this year than I was in the previous year. In 2016 I felt that I was getting better about being timely and being generally more and more productive. Normally I look outward for circumstances that may have changed in my life that would effect me, like the loss of a bicycle or a rude room mate making it hard to do certain things beyond an immediate cause and effect. In looking back I found I started declining when I invited my sister back up to my state to stay in the house I was in with her family, so she could get her feet back under her and escape an abusive spouse.
Now this is somewhat out of character for me. MY sister may be family and my closest in age sibling, but I've never once in my entire life been able to trust her with anything what so ever. I had hopes that her having children and an apparently successful family life had shown she'd changed from a manipulative, conceited, felonious individual into someone more respectable. It seemed okay at first. She got a job and started helping with rent almost immediately after moving up. Then things started to spiral slowly out of control. I never saw her sober. She would abandon her children with us. And when anyone spoke up to her she managed to get everyone else on her side and remove the person who 'challenged' her as a person.
You may have remembered I moved last December. This is why. I couldn't function as a human being. My life was no longer my own. My home was slowly becoming a prison. I am fortunate that in my life I have made some exceptionally wonderful friends. One offered me a place to rent and I was gone in one day from that old place with anything I could fit into my car. It was nice having peace of mind again. Though after I settled in I started having regular anxiety attacks. I live in the NW United States. The nights during the winter are long and the days are crisp and short here. It took nearly until spring thaw for me to figure out how to cope with it, but until then it was largely crippling me in all manner of ways.
I lost a lot of hobbies I had before after the move as well. I used to have access to a workshop where I could do wood working and all sorts of different crafts. IT was therapeutic for me and I didn't even realize how much it helped me function until it was gone. Where I am now I have no space to do most of those old hobbies of mine and the ones I do have space for I do not have the means (Supplies, tools, etc). Not having these extra outlets seems to have effects on my ability to focus and stay motivated. Which leads me to believe I may have other, untreated mental illnesses that make it hard for me to function. I may have something in line with the broad spectrum known as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or perhaps something similar if there is such a thing. It feels difficult to explain to people who have no experience with it since it can just sound like excuses for being lethargic, aimless, and shiftless.
Whatever I have going on in my head space in regards to my ability to focus is frustrating to no end and I am working as hard as I can to find out a solution and means to cope so I can get back to being as productive as before. If I could afford professional help I would pursue that readily and wholeheartedly. So I will do what I can with what I have. I will make my situation work. I have to.
I'm looking at lifestyle changes, new hobbies that I can grab for minimal budget impact, goals to work towards... I may even need to revamp my patreon again to make it easier for me to work with. My backlog for work there is staggeringly backed up. Hopefully I can power through all of my owed things before September ends.

Thank you to everyone who reads through this. I'm sorry to have written such a long journal though I think it was necessary to get all of this out there.
Here's to being productive!



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  • Link

    Well wishes to you, and hope things can get on track and moving at a more comfortable pace.

    • Link

      Thanks Maroc. I hope so too.

  • Link

    I hope you can find access to the tools you used to have again. Even just having space to work is sometimes difficult to get.

    You say ADD, but I wonder if part of it might be executive dysfunction? That tends to look like an "excuse to be lethargic" as you put it to people who aren't familiar with it. Might be worth looking up some more information.

    • Link

      I'll have to do some reading then! Thanks~

  • Link

    I am sorry that has happened to you, Though I am glad and you should be proud of the fact you are able to push on through such trials. Please be careful and stay safe, we will try our best to give support when able.

  • Link

    If you like working with solid materials and need something cheap I can recommend aluminium wire bending. You need some pliers with thin ends, but the wire is cheap.
    I started doing that a few months ago and its quite comfy. You can even watch TV while doing it, almost like knitting.

    • Link

      I'll look into it. Thanks!

  • Link

    Hey there :)

    I don't know you personally, and I don't think I've ever spoken to you, but I want to take some time to say a few things :)

    I've been in a relationship for 7 years with someone who had serious depressive problems, had an abusive family situation, and even though we were not meant for each other at all I stuck with her in the hopes of making her life better. It got me into depression, dropped out of school for a year, lots of anxiety issues, and made me need months of therapy to just become a functional human being again.

    I'm not saying this to get pity or anything, but just to say that I understand how it feels to be under the weather, unproductive, to wonder what the hell is wrong with you and why can't you just work like a normal person dammit. Bad mental health is extremely frustrating to deal with in the best of circumstances, and it certainly sounds like your situation was far from ideal.

    At the end of the day though, you are the foremost expert on who you are and what helps you. I am really really happy to read that you want to get better and are already taking steps to that effect. To me that means it's just a question of time until you get better :)

    One thing that has helped me was to keep a mental health diary of sorts. I was very out of touch with my emotions, and something emotionally damaging might trigger an anxiety attack for me a few days later. The not being in touch with emotions bit and the delay made it hard for me to understand what the hell was going on and why. Once I started keeping a daily mental health diary, the connections started being more obvious.

    Maybe you can do the same kind of thing for yourself as well. Write down what happened, how it made you feel, and keep track of the days and events, so you can figure out what makes you feel worse or better, so you know what to avoid or increase!

    Per the situation with your sister, I know it's not going to be a popular piece of advice, but unfortunately it sounds like you and your family are kind of enabling her. She doesn't seem to take responsibility for her situation and actions, and you and your family catching her and helping her just shields her from the consequences of her irresponsibility, and she is free to continue being irresponsible.

    It may be in your own best interest to cut out your sister from your life as much as possible.

    And finally, I am really sorry to hear about your mother, but I am glad that she is doing better! Here's to hoping for a complete recovery!

    Remember that first and foremost, you have a responsibility towards yourself, for your own safety and happiness and well-being.

    Take care :)