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woah by SNAP


So, I've been coming on here less and less, I don't upload here p much at all anymore... Shit has been wild, I don't draw much anymore but when I do it's usually posted up onto my twitter or my FA snd no matter how much I wish it could be, there's no community here. It started out great, people chatted, people ran contests, this place was fun! Then I had some of my video embeds taken down for not being furry enough and that all kinda left a bitter taste in my mouth as a content creator.. This was around the point weasyl started loosing it's shiny new glow and people started slinking back to FA (myself included). I still kept using the site in hopes others would too, but folks literally just dump art and leave now. It's a massive shame. Out of all the websites furries could use and conduct business on, they stick with the shitty ones to go to most lol.

I wouldn't call this me leaving Weasyl, I'll still pop in to see the artist I only follow here, but I won't be peeping this place daily like I was. I love you guys, but I'm pretty much seeing all the same posts on either twitter or FA, why fav em all on third site all over again?

Here's where you can find me if you want to:

I hope you all have a good remainder of your summer. Lots of love and positivity to you all!



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    i feel ya, i've got pretty much the same routine with me, a weekly update of the two-dozen or so people i follow. nearly half of it is like, commisison pornography so it's not that great but hey, just like FA. its a shame people can't keep up just talking and existing in a new setting. old habits and familiar places make people feel comfortable. still, i really hope people will continue to push Weasyl as a place to host art away from FA's changing ownership based on corporate interest.

    you do what you can! you don't need to be furry exclusive on this website i don't think? that sucks that that was even an issue :/