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MEGAPLEX 2017 by v--r

Hello my lovelies, just wanted to make a quick announcement! As some of you guys know, I will be making an appearance at Megaplex 2017! I go every year and always have a blast. It's so much fun talking and drawing with the other artists, meeting fans, selling stickers and sketches. I spend pretty much all my time in the artist alley.
If ANY of you guys will be attending then please send me a message because I'd love to meet you guys and give you a big hug!

As a result of this that means I will not be online from August 3-6. I'll still of course be available on Discord for chatting and questions and all that jazz but I won't be able to post/create any new art until afterwards. Maybe that's why I've been in overdrive these past few days trying to make up for that gap.

I'm serious though if any of you guys are attending please message me because I want to meet my loving fans!

Also lastly be sure you're following me on Twitter since I'm gonna be posting various updates to keep you all in the loop. I'll also be announcing when I get a table in the artist alley since apparently this year (for some reason) the artist alley instead of being run with a list of people instead it's going to be entirely randomized by lottery; makes no sense but whatever it's their alley. So keep an eye out for when I post and announce that I've got myself a table! Maybe this year I'll even remember to take a picture of it to show you guys how it looks all set up.



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