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Vore Tournament 2.0.1 bugfix release plan by Mircea

Wow: The release of Vore Tournament 2.0.0 has been a blast! I could barely reply to all of the feedback and questions you guys had, which even now continue to flow. Thank you all for showing so much interest in this project! It really helps to know that it was a success.

Unfortunately a lot of comments also included bug reports. There are quite a few problems I had missed and other players noticed... nothing too bad or game-breaking, but they are still issues that will need to be dealt with. Currently I've noted up to 8 bugs of various natures, which you can read through over on our bug tracker:

As such I've taken the decision to make a 2.0.1 bugfix release, before I start working on the things planned for 2.1.0. There is no specific date planned for this release, but it should happen within the following months. I don't know whether I will be able to fix all of the currently noted issues in it, but I will be trying to crack each one.

If you have a Gitlab account, you are encouraged to report any bugs you notice at the link mentioned above, in case you're not seeing them listed there already. If you're familiar with the Vore Tournament code, you may also make a pull request in case you come up with your own solution! I will give the 2.0.1 release additional pause, to make sure others have enough time to notice other potential issues that can be addressed in this update.

Vore Tournament 2.0.1 bugfix release plan


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