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Back from Anthrocon! by Malachyte

I've returned from AC, got back late on Tuesday. I've been unpacking and catching up on irl responsibilities since then, so it took me a bit to be fully back online. Anthrocon was fantastic this year! I had fun last year, but this one was even better. I took on a bit too much work though, eh heh. Only a few small take homes, so nothing bad, but I do have to redo one of my badge commissions because my laminator ate it >w>;

Also! I sold 5 of the 11 art pieces that I had in the art show! I was beside myself with awe that this could even be possible, and definitely teared up more than a few times about it. To everyone who took the time to stop and look at the art I put so much work into, and to those who went so far as to buy it because it meant enough to them to be worth having, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

It was lovely seeing everyone there, and meeting lots of new people too. Everyday I was so tired, but so happy~ I'm really looking forward to next year as well.

I'll be spending the next day or two catching up on messages, emails, and outstanding commissions. Stream commissions will resume this coming Thursday, I hope you're all looking forward to it as well!

Back from Anthrocon!


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    Congrats on selling your art pieces in the show! :3 Glad you had fun ^w^