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Commission Terms Of Service, Effective March 29th, 2013 by Cyan Glaciertooth

Starting March 29th, 2013, these will be the Terms Of Service for commissions.

Before you consider making a request, you must read and abide by these terms and conditions listed here. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything by having all these rules. I just want to be as specific as possible about all this. My goal is to keep those who I'm doing commissions for satisfied. But I also want to do commissions with as little trouble as possible. These should be all you need to know.


-When I open up for commissions, I suggest that you'd take a look at some examples that I have in my gallery before making a request. That way, you'll get an idea of what I could be making for you before sending a request to me.

-If you are interested in commissioning me, send me a note, post in a journal I've written about commissions opening, or send me an email when commissions are open, and I'll send you a quote. My email is thetranceman [at] yahoo [dot] com. I will have a limited number of slots and a deadline to make your commission requests, so I suggest that you try not to wait too long if you're interested in a commission. Commissions close either when all slots are taken, or when the deadline is reached, which ever comes first.

-When sending a commission request, give me a description of what you want, and try keeping it brief too. (Ex: "I would like a reference sheet of my character. He's a dalmatian who works and dresses as a fire fighter, and is always seen holding an axe.") I may ask for more details when necessary. Also, I'll respond to your request whenever I'm able to. I'm not online 24/7. Not to worry, though, as I check FA and Weasyl at least two times a day on average.

-I will NOT do copyrighted material unless you own the rights to said material. Since I'll be making money off of these commissions, I don't want to get in trouble with the owner(s) of the copyrighted material by using what is theirs.

-I will only do commissions that are in the 'G' to 'PG13' range. As much as I'd hate to turn down commissions that are beyond PG13, I'd like to build a portfolio to present to both the furry and non-furry communities, and we all know the sketchy reputation this fandom has, right? I reserve the right to turn down a commission for whatever reason.

-Payments are to be made through PayPal only. When a commission request has been made, work begins ASAP. However, work will not be shared to the commissioner until commission is fully paid. (PayPal email is the same as mentioned above.) I'll also need your email address to share the commission to you and ask you what you think. If there are any changes you want me to make with the commission, I'll be happy to make those changes. When sending money through PayPal, send me a note with your FA or Weasyl username (or both when necessary) so I'll know who you are.

-Lastly, if you have any questions regarding commissions, don't be afraid to ask. ;)

Commission Terms Of Service, Effective March 29th, 2013

Cyan Glaciertooth

Journal Information
