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The Aftermath by sixrabbits

Frick frack I am tired.

I am not a people person. I do not like making small talk with people, I don't like people trying to drag me into the conversation or make me part of things. Basically, I don't get on well with extroverts.
Lot of extroverts at this place.

people enjoyed themselves, the fashion show was beautiful (one of the design elements I threw in on a character just to make it more interesting on screen actually got worked into the make up of the real life model. Eeeee!) and people liked the video I made. I got a lot of compliments on artwork that I do not consider my best...

I spent the after party trying to hide in corners while I waited for my ride, and people kept finding me and wanting to engage me in conversation, usually starting with "you don't look like you're having a good time"... Well, Stranger, I am an extreme introvert, and I have Resting Bitch Face, so leave me to my people watching.
The whole time I was there I was contemplating what people get out of these kinds of experiences? Not so much the show, but the after party stuff. I don't think I will ever get it, not a fan of clubs or dancing.
To top it all off, no one I invited came to the show. Not even my family. So that kind of soured my mood.

Overall, it wasn't terrible, I would just rather have not been there.

The Aftermath


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    Ah, mingling with the normals, such is the price of success.
    I'm glad it was well received.

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      Mingling with the anybody... this is why I have never been a vendor at a convention.

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    I'm sorry that your family and other invited people didn't show up! :( I know social stuff is hard, especially for introverts, but it is worse without someone you know there to soak up the socialization v.v

    I'm glad the show went well, though! And it's awesome that they ended up using part of your design in the make up :D

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      Yeah, it is tough being an introvert sometimes.

      Thank you! Yes, I was quite happy to see that.

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    I'm not precisely extroverted; I'm actually sure I'm somewhere in between, but when I'm in a down mood just being around and talking to other people is very helpful to my energy and my mood. I feel happier being part of... well, happier being part of a herd I guess.

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      It's the exact opposite for me. Being around people is draining (partly because I have such huge anxiety issues and I am at the extreme end of the introvert spectrum). Extroverts gain energy from being around people, where introverts lose energy from social interaction and gain it from being alone.
      Most weekends I avoid even talking with anyone, and my daily human interaction I try to keep to 5 sentences max.