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May Update 2/2 by Gagethyous

Greetings, salutations, and bienvenue to you all. This is Gagethyous, and thank you for taking the time to read this journal.

I apologize for making this so late, but time has been rather... uneasy. But still, allow me to get along with business.

I will gladly start to say that from now on, there will be a definitive format for my journals. Journals at the beginning of the month will be much longer and possess more news to tell. Those at the end of the month, while shorter, will be still be roughly equivalent in detail. With this, hopefully things will be easier to process and I will not have to give out a lot of news that would be otherwise understated or no longer applicable.

With that out of the way, I will say right now that I am still working on a lot of things regarding to mecha month. Getting used to having a properly fully functioning computer has been somewhat uneasy. This is due to the fact that I have to get back to working on the stuff that's been LONG overdue while at the same time with newer material. Things have been getting crazier on the personal front, and for the first time in a while, I may have to step down on many matters while stepping up on many more. My creative freedom is also somewhat restricted, due to the fact that some of the people that I care about just do not care for the things I wish to draw or even talk about. I suppose respect is merely a one-way channel at this point; You give people the respect and attention they ask for, yet will become indignant, apathetic, and even defensive when you mention how they need to return the favor.

Lack of profressionalism aside, I am looking into how to deal with these complications. The craziness of these past few years have been me taking things for granted, becoming complacent, and most notably, being indecisive in what I should truly place my faith in. Because of this, I have just all talk, talk, talk, and that needs to come to an end. Plus, while my self-confidence issues do limit me to a great extent, I may have to just push ahead regardless and work towards the best possible solution.

I will be uploading a LOT of material for June. I have plenty of things to upload, so my dearest apologies for you all for the impending image flood.

As June as the second month of the Mecha Bi-Month, I will be more than glad to say that things will finally start off properly for once. As I've never done a properly consecutive monthly holiday event, June will be what sets the standard provided it goes well. Provided. Still, I have a lot of things to work on.

Things for the games and comics I wish to produce. The stuff that I want to make with my younger brother, , will also be sort of a top priority. I say sort of because there are other things to be made for others in my life that are higher up in terms of importance (Dear lord in heaven, am I going to be sick to HELL of reference sheets by the time June's quota ends...). But I do have plans, and they shall be realized.

I will be turning twenty-three on the 11th. Because it's my birthday, do be wary that I may... indulge in some things when it comes to artwork. In short, fetish stuff. You have been warned, though I will gladly say right now that it does not involve nipple fucking. Ugh.

I would say more, but this is the end of the month journal after all. More will be said tomorrow, or more likely, the second. I say the latter to give myself a bit of a break and to help keep things more stable.

Do be sure to take good of yourselves everyone. A great big thank you to those who choose to watch me. I can't wait to share with you what I have in store!

Much love, Gage

May Update 2/2


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