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°○ AnthrOhio Review 2017 ○° by Infierna

Journal summary of my trip to AnthrOhio!
(if you want to learn more about AO:

This convention was close enough that I could drive there on Friday morning, and set up my dealer den table quickly (I only purchased half a table, but had plenty of room to display). We were open 10-6 that day, and my first roommate Micah showed up around 4 pm. My other roommates Tiberius and Kanza showed up later in the evening. I made friends with my table mate Lil Shark and the creator of the Furries Documentary, Ash. Ash and I talked quite a bit about California, as he and his bf recently drove/moved to CA from OH and as I should soon do the same, we had a lot to talk about! Ideas and pointers for the long drive etc and what CA is like. He's super friendly and optimistic and someday I will catch that documentary!

Saturday the Dealer Den was open 10-6 and I did get thoroughly tuckered out from the long hours. Early in the morning we adventured to Bob Evans were I almost missed the turn and careened into the parking lot. Go little Ford Focus! You can do it. Service was a little slow, but they were slammed. Then we visited Kroger and we got back in time for DD opening at the convention. Sales were good for the weekend and I did slightly better than 2016!

My friend Demmy showed up that day and he got to hang out and stay with us that night! Kanza, Tiberius, Micah, Demmy and new friends Ash and Oddy went to a hibachi/sushi place and we had an amazing time. Although a little difficult to talk around the long hibachi table! Either way, it was delicious! Afterwards Micah, Demmy and I went to the Alkali and Pandez panel. Then Tiberius and Kanza went to the dance- I was going to go but by the time they left I could barely keep my eyes open and would not have lasted in fursuit very long.

Sunday I woke up at 7 am and let the dozing roommates rest, and I found a Dunkin Donuts and bought a box of donuts and took it to the hotel room. Everyone was still asleep so I left the box as a surprise and took one donut with me to the Den. I was happy to hear they ate them all! Money well spent. <3 The DD I sat next to MLW, and had fun talking. I didn't sell anything that day so I closed early and went to fursuit (around 3 pm). Worth it! I got to be in a photo for the charity. And then I visited the Artist Alley and bought 3 Crash Bandicoot badges for my Crash buds (Kanza and Tibs). Then we went to Pie in the Sky for pizza and sandwiches that was super nice way to end. Then I packed up and drove home in the rainy rain storm, but made it safely.

This was also the first time I donated items to the Charity Auction and I loved it. I donated one illustration, two sketches, and two puzzles. By the end of the weekend I think my items earned the charity at least $75 and that is more than I could ever give in cash. So I might start doing that more often.

Overall, a relaxing convention to warm up for AnthroCon. I can't wait for AnthroCon now! Currently I do not plan to go back to AnthrOhio in 2018, the sales are not great enough for the travel yet. I will probably wait until the attendance breaks 1,000 and then return. I am very excited to see what the next hotel is though. It'll be great to finally say goodbye to that hotel, I never liked it.

°○ AnthrOhio Review 2017 ○°


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