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May Update 1/2 by Gagethyous

Greeting, salutations, and bienvenue all. Before we begin, I would like to say thank you to those who have decided to watch me, as well as those that have chosen to read this journal. While not entirely sure, I am prepared to go forward and make this month and the next something memorable, as well as the years that follow. With that being said, let us begin.

As stated previously, both May and Jun are part of something epic I have planned out known as the Mecha Bi-Month Special. I personally disdain the word epic, but I do think it's suitable here. A lot of things mecha-wise will be drawn and sketched out. Things from all over the place, such as Gundam and Zoids and even Front Mission. With at least one sketch per day and over forty images to do, it will be one of the most busy months out of my artistic career at this point. It will also be fantastic practice for me, as I do want to have an actual career in mechanics as I begin to branch out for work and college. My style will also become more coherent due to me taking more time out to sketch and put out complete images. And by complete, I do mean complete; Fully inked, colored, shaded, and everything. I am honestly terrible at shading (Mainly because I never bothered to pursue it out of frustration), and slightly below average when it comes to coloring, so hopefully, I should be able to bring something together by doing these.

All of that aside, giant robots and machines in general, from automotive vehicles to military aerospace craft and even things like firearms and planetary explorers, are my thing. I do love nature and the things it has given us, but I do love machinery just as much if not even more. With these, I can finally realize a passion I haven't able to work with even when I was younger out of lack of self-confidence.

A lot of things have been started on earlier this year and just not finished, due to issues in my life and my own personal laziness. Heck, I even have character references I haven't finished yet, despite many of them being just simple bust shots. I will be uploading those, as well as finishing them. So do be sure to expect some stuff from Valentine's, St. Patrick's, and even Easter. I may finish up the few Christmas pictures I started on, but who's to say? One thing at a time.

I am also going to be uploading many of the concepts I have so far of the myriad projects I am working on, as well as many more to come. I will make a list of them someday in a journal for those who want to know, but for the time being, I'm still figuring how to get them going, let alone their names. Making low-poly 3D rigs and renders are going to be a great help, allowing for me to make gain more skill in that field. To keep a long story short, I have a LOT of ideas to get going on, such as a strategy game, an adult VR game, and so so much more. More to come as we go!

I have also taken part as the mechanical designer for a Gundam fan-comic my brother is working on. Mainly inspired by how Thunderbolt does things, a lot of material will be stylized specifically for this project. Expect a lot of awesome looking GMs, Zakus, and even plenty of MSV material! Also, considering that this is my brother's story, that means that some, if not MANY, of my designs will be cut. That means that I get to make my own MSV portfolio! Still, this is something I'm looking forward to doing, and I'm sure my brother is as well. Doing something like this has been something we've been wanting to do since we were younger and playing with my MSIA figures together. Ah, good times....

So yes. Please be sure to expect that as well.

Concepts and material for mother's day, reference sheets, and a lot of other things are on the schedule. I have some stuff that's looooong overdue for Mother's day, and with Father's day right around the corner, it is definitely going to be something. Half of that will be given to my mother and uploaded on my personal Facebook page, while the other half will be uploaded here and practically every other account. The same will be said for Father's day, with half of it going to my father and personal FB, and the other half going on my various accounts. This is because that the latter half of each is rather... risque, to say the least.

I have plenty of references to make, given how I have yet to finish what is due for those that asked it for me quite some time. My boyfriend and one of my best friends are two people that have the patience of an apostle. Time to break that lovely daisy chain before it literally blows up in my face.

Along with the references I need to make for others, I have references to make for my own set of characters. My own fursona has not been given a proper reference, so I think it's finally time to get onto doing that. I have a LOT of characters to draw out, so upon proper prioritization, I will likely get started on them later on next week or so if my estimates are correct. I'm very excited to do these, as they are characters I've had ever since I started high school, or some even being from before then. Take that for what you will.

I am slowly working on coming out of my proverbial shell and rebuilding my self-confidence. If you would like to talk to me, I am available on Steam! Comment here that you would like to add me and then hit me up. I will warn right now that I am not that talkative at the moment, but again, I am working on that. My name on Steam is the same as it is here.

Whew. Now that was a LOT to go over. I would type more, but I want to cut down on redundancies and keep things at a necessary length. Once more, I would like to give a huge thank you to those who have decided to give me a watch or perhaps even read this journal. I can never show how thankful I am for the fact that people are interested in the rather lackluster material that I upload. Someday, I would like to do more and make it well worth your time as my skills improve.

If you have something to say, please, leave a comment! I make sure to read all of them whenever I have the chance, so feel free!

Thank you all for your time, and may great fortunes and blessings come to your lives and your endeavors.

May Update 1/2


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