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I Left e621 by ACDragon

I suppose it's a good site and all, but a few things have been grating on me for awhile there. The harassment I got early on from haters for drawing stuff they didn't like but were too lazy to blacklist and too self-righteous to abstain from being total douchebags about was an early sign that I didn't really want to be there. I eventually was able to get past that, but there were other nagging things such as the tagging system which, though it stated "tag what you see not what you know" didn't stop some admins from re-interpreting female characters as "cuntboys" because they had flat chests and stuff like that, such as insisting Tsampikos' character Mikhaila was a "cuntboy" instead of a "female" despite the fact that the artist calls the character female and that adult women with flat chests actually do exist and they're not "boys." Also the "minimum quality standards" were never consistent, and I ended up with some of the most embarrassing works I've ever done allowed to stay there while far superior works were removed because they "did not meet our minimum quality standards." These kinds of things make me feel like artists in general are not welcome on e6, and because I am an artist, I never truly felt like I was welcome there.

I got along fairly well on the forums there, but I joined that site for the art, and to get some extra exposure for my stuff, not to be heavily involved in forum debates and other such things, so I finally decided enough is enough and I left. The admins there were kind enough to delete most of my uploads there (the only exception was art which I hadn't actually drawn, as I had only requested my own personal art be removed) and now the act of leaving is finally official. They don't delete accounts there so technically I still have an account there, but I made it so I can't access it again by using an old trick I learned when I got desperate to leave an addictive writing forum years ago. Nothing illegal or anything like that, just a simple temporary email account and a random password that I promptly deleted from my computer.

So I'm out. They just weren't a good fit for me, and all things considered, I truly feel like I wasn't welcome anyway, so that's that.

I Left e621


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    e621 has since updated their terms of service to combat this behavior. If it happens to you, and you report it, those users will be suspended/banned, or restricted. I forget which, but your situation type is being handled now.