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Furry Card Sharks survey batch #18: Easter Fool taxes by CCritt93

BarkWoofson BarkWoofson covers three bases with this week’s poll. The new questions this week:

(For better results, open links in new tabs/windows. Usually done with Ctrl-click or Shift-click, but your mileage may vary.)

FCS-285 When you eat a chocolate bunny, do you start at the head?
FCS-065 Do you currently subscribe to an artist via Patreon?
FCS-311 Have you ever contributed to a crowdfunding campaign?
FCS-312 Have you ever started a crowdfunding campaign for someone else without their prior knowledge?

ARTISTS ONLY (anyone who has made furry artwork):
FCS-005 Have you created an item that sold at auction for a thousand dollars or more?

COMMISSION CREATORS ONLY (any type of commission work—art, writing, music, you name it):
FCS-015 Have you ever found yourself in a higher income tax bracket as a result of commission revenue?
FCS-268 At this moment, which would you be more likely to do: open more commission slots, or raise your prices?

CONGOERS ONLY (any furry fan who has attended a convention):
FCS-034 Have you ever spent a thousand dollars or more on artwork or merchandise at a single furry convention?

FURSUITERS ONLY (past or present):
FCS-218 Have you ever used your fursuit head by itself as part of a practical joke?
FCS-191 Has your fursuit head been stacked with other heads to resemble a totem pole?
FCS-122 Have you ever opened the front door of your home to a non-furry visitor while wearing a fursuit?

And for previous weeks’ questions that are still open, you can browse the ever-growing list here:

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #18: Easter Fool taxes


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