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What's new ? 3 : Never two without three ... or not by Gigi

So what happened since last time ? Well, it feels that I've been heard more or less as March hasn't tried to "kill" me like January or February seems to have intended to. Sure, March is not over yet but so far, there is no medical stuff putting health to severe issues like it has been the case twice since the start of 2017.

Since previous journal, I just entered a course about ... about ... not even sure why but I've been asked to follow it so as a good girl, I do what I'm asked for. Though, I thought the goal of a course was to make me learn some things but so far, I'm teaching computer stuffs to the rest of the group -as some help for the "teacher" or whatever can be the name for someone leading a course- and then spending the rest of the time browsing the web or sending silly messages on twitter.
I've been trying to do some silly games stream again, mainly about Senran Kagura ones as they are at least 3 available on PC. They are pretty silly, 100% fanservice and I like that a lot.
I'm also going on with Caturdays -which is tomorrow for March, by the way- with a newcomer artist who submitted a nice picture (no, it's not just because it's my main character ... or not only), without forgetting all the very nice arts that ShadowPencil has submitted for long each month.
If you want to give it a look, that's this way :

Not sure what else to say ... Spring has started and Tora gave me a nice gift to start it with some very nice bounce (available on her twitter, I may submit it here too, later). Several of my characters got their (virtual) birthday this month, which makes me think that I should change some of them so they are a little more all over the year and not just during Spring or around its start.
I also got some new characters, all adoptables, though I'm having some issues to name them correctly and think about a good enough backstory for them, the course not letting me much time to think about that. Though, said course is currently on pause for around 2 weeks so I may have some time to spend on all that, already found two names, maybe three, meaning only one will need one. Not sure where I'll post their respective designs, but for now, I prefer to have the maximum done about their personality, their backstory, their origins and then their name too before showing them.

I'm probablly gonna stop here before it gets too boring to go on any further, I'll save the rest or whatever I may have forgotten to make a more interesting journal next month.

What's new ? 3 : Never two without three ... or not


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