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Some Things That Are Not Racist by ACDragon

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of all this talk about how everything that's been going on over the last few years is "racist." When Trayvon Martin was killed by a hispanic man it was labeled by the media as "racism" and a "hate crime" and last but not least, a "murder," despite the mountains of evidence that it was none of the above. Later on, when Michael Brown was killed, the same firestorm of media bullshit started rearing its ugly head yet again, claiming that because the cop who killed Brown was a white man that therefore the whole thing was a part of some evil black genocide orchestrated by the government.

So I've decided to compile a list of things that the media loves to claim are racist, and show why they are in fact NOT racist. Let's get started:

  1. Calling Illegal Immigrants "Criminals"

Illegal immigrants are criminals. They are beaking US law by entering our country without going through the proper channels and are therefore committing a crime by entering this country, and thus they are criminals. Some folks say it's hard to answer the question of how many illegal immigrants are criminals, but it's really not. Because they are here illegally, they are ALL criminals. Not some, not a majority, not only a tiny few. ALL OF THEM are criminals.

This is not racism, it is fact. When you commit a crime, you are a criminal. Doing something illegally is a crime, and thus when you do something illegally, you are a criminal. This doesn't require a university education to understand.

  1. Criticizing Islam

Islam is a religion, not a race. There are nations where Islam is the official religion, and whose laws prohibit people from deconverting from Islam, but this does not change the reality that Islam is not a race. The concept of "race" is based on biology, not beliefs or political affiliations, and therefore the religion of Islam does not qualify as a race. Thus, criticism of Islam is not racism.

The same is true, by the way, for criticism of Judaism, because in case you haven't noticed, Jews aren't a race either. There are arab Jews, black Jews, white Jews, Asian Jews, and so on. One could say that in order to be a Jew you have to have a mother who is Jewish and thus it's biological, but that's only in the sense of a family lineage and not race. If it were based on race, there would be no non-arab Jews, and at the same time if this were true then ALL arabs would be Jews, not just some of them. And since the vast majority of arabs are Muslims, it's obvious that neither Judaism nor Islam is a race, and thus criticism of these religions is not racism.

  1. Expecting "brown" people to obey most laws

Most laws are made for the purpose of maintaining an orderly society. While some laws (such as Jim Crow, Apartheid, and Affirmative Action) are heavily biased against people based on their race, most laws apply equally to everybody regardless of race. For instance, when you cross a busy street 50 feet away from the nearest crosswalk, you are jaywalking, and thus you are causing traffic problems and endangering your own life, which is why jaywalking is illegal. Also, if you rob a bank, it doesn't matter if you're black, white, hispanic, or anything else. It only matters that you robbed a bank and you are going to answer for the crime of robbing a bank. Likewise if you assault someone who has a different political opinion than you because it "offends" you, you are guilty of assault, even if the person you assaulted hates you and wants every member of your race dead. Your race has no bearing on whether or not the assault you committed is illegal. That you assaulted them is all that matters. Expecting brown people to obey the same laws that white people are required to obey is not racism. It only becomes racism when one race is held to a different standard than another race, and contrary to the beliefs of certain academic institutions, racism does NOT equal "power plus prejudice." Rather, racism only equals "prejudice based on race" and nothing else. It's in the dictionary, which is a far more reliable source to define words with than activist university professors are.

  1. Calling riots "Riots"

The first amendment to the United States Constitution grants the right to, among other things, "peaceably" assemble in protest. That word "peaceably" is strikingly absent from most media attention that has been given to the "protests" of recent months. The word "peaceably" means "peaceful," as in, "not violent," "not causing property damage," "not blocking traffic during rush hour and bringing an entire city to a complete standstill," and "not assaulting, shooting, or killing people to get your point across."

Every single one of the examples I have listed of peaceably NOT meaning, are things that have happened during the recent "protests," and thus these "protests" are in fact "riots" and are NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Calling these criminal acts "Riots" is not racism. It's a simple fact. They are riots, by the very definition of the word. You cannot say that people are being peaceful when they're smashing in windows, torching cars, and sucker punching and macing people they don't like. These behaviors are not peaceful, and thus they are not peaceable... and thus they are riots and are illegal.

  1. Defending the Free Speech Rights of Hateful People

I know this is going to come as a huge shock to some of you, but the First Amendment right to free speech means that you can hold any belief of any kind, and you can speak those beliefs in public without the government having you arrested for it. This means you can hate people for their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and even their race, and the law says you have the right to speak your opinion. This is not racism, because as I stated before, in order for it to be racism it has to hold one race of people to a different standard than it holds another race of people, and since the amendment doesn't have any clauses excluding some races from the rights it prescribes, the law is not racist.

Some forms of speech are illegal, but those usually have to do with sedition, talks of assassinating the President and stuff like that, as well as anything that endangers the lives and well being of people around you (such as yelling "fire" in a crowded theater). But when it comes to that nazi guy who has nasty opinions about pretty much everyone in the USA who isn't a white gentile, the law gives him the right to speak his mind in much the same way that it gives the Black Supremacist groups such as the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter the right to say what they want. If Hate Speech is not protected, then why aren't the police arresting people solely for saying they hate white people? (And remember, kids: racism is prejudice based on race, and nothing else. Thus, if you hate white people because they are white, you are a racist, just like all the nazi white supremacists out there who hate you because you're not a white gentile like them.)

Finally, you can disagree with the person's beliefs, you can hate their beliefs, you can wish them to be sent to the deepest pits of hell, and still defend their right to speak their opinion. Why? Because Freedom of Speech doesn't play favorites, and hating people doesn't automatically translate into trying to destroy them. You can hate someone without ever trying to actively hurt them. Thus, defending the rights of hateful people to speak their minds is not racist.

Anyway, so that's my list. I'm sure there are lots more that I could write about, but it's almost 1 AM here and I'm tired. These things are not racist, no matter how much the media tries to paint them as racist.

Some Things That Are Not Racist


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