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The Making of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild airs tomorrow! by BlazRtheDragon

This is Dera Mochimazzi, back again with another new episode of the Daily Dragon Tab.

Have you've been playing Breath of the Wild just yet? If you haven't, I'd recommend on listening to this. Nintendo has announced a three part behind the scenes look of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, made exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. It will be airing tomorrow morning at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET. This source comes from their Twitter account within their recent post, stating:

"Tomorrow at 6 AM PT, we’ll be debuting a three-part series called The Making of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!"

It shouldn't be more of a doubtful source, but I would guarantee that it may be some sort of a monthly made episode where it's split into parts. Also, do bear in mind that the daylight savings has been restored. You can stop whining and squatting about it now. Expect the snowbirds, save for me, of course, to return back to their eastern territories. Which will be made on the 31st March.

That's all the time we have for now. This is Dera Mochimazzi of the Daily Dragon Tab, signing off!

The Making of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild airs tomorrow!


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