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Asshole downstairs neighbor by ACDragon

Apparently the guy living directly below me doesn't know what living in an apartment complex is supposed to be like. I'm sitting in front of my computer tonight just minding my own business and he starts pounding on his ceiling as if I was playing music really loudly. Except I wasn't doing that. I have a subwoofer, but it isn't hooked up, it's in the storage room in the back.

This guy has been slamming doors, making loud noises, and it's been constant since he moved in last year, but let me sit quietly in front of my computer and all of a sudden I'm the one causing trouble? Yeah, no. Asshole needs to learn that in apartments there is going to be noise, no matter how quiet you try to be. A kitty cat can glide over the floor and it'll be loud to the guy downstairs.

I don't expect this to end well tonight though. After he banged on his ceiling, I stomped on my floor in retaliation. He hasn't shown up at my door, so my guess is he's probably called the cops and said some bullshit line about me committing a felony or some other such nonsense. Because that's what usually happens whenever I stand up for myself against an idiot who has no reason to attack me like this.

I'll tell you more when (and if) I can. For now, though, please keep me in your thoughts, prayers, etc.

Asshole downstairs neighbor


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  • Link

    hugs you

    • Link

      Thanks. hugs back

      I realized about a half hour ago that he's done this before to me. Banged on his ceiling about three or four months ago, and as it was this time around I wasn't making any noise. Also, like this time, I stomped on the floor in retaliation. The cops didn't show up that time either.

      Though I'm honestly considering contacting management tomorrow about it. This guy makes all sorts of noises in his place, slams his doors, shakes the building, and with him hearing sounds that aren't there I'm worried. I've known people in the past who heard things that weren't real, and though most of them were good enough to shrug it off there have been a few that have openly confronted me with claims that I did shit that I never did because of their delusions.

      • Link

        Ah yeah, hopefully management does something about it.

        I sometimes hear things that aren't there too. Fortunately, it's almost always something that COULDN'T be there, so I know it's not real.

  • Link

    Oh god I know exactly what that's like. I'm surprised you haven't contacted management about him long ago. Unless you have those crazy landlords who never give a fuck about anything. That would really suck man. I recommend recording some of his noises to show them.

    • Link

      Thanks for the comment.

      Yeah, I contacted management just a few minutes ago. They seem to care a decent amount, so that's good at least. I've had landlords in the past that were like what you described. These folks aren't like that, so I'm sure they'll get it taken care of quickly.