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Nintendo Switch News! (And a Spring Break announcement.) by BlazRtheDragon

It's been a short while since the Daily Dragon Tab hasn't been introducing a lot of content lately; especially being busy with lots and lots of fat doodles being actively posted on my Twitter. and youll never guess who that liking bot is because hes got a real world life on his own hands So, in case that March is JUST around the corner, we'll be taking a lot of time off from posting some tweeting and add a bunch of news related media. Let's start with...

Nintendo Switch got released!

For the past few days, the Nintendo Switch had been sold out across every store. If not, around the world, especially in the United Kingdom. How many? Over 80 thousand. Man, it's gonna take Nintendo of Europe to handle that kind of cold hard cash. Though, the console was praised for its design, controls, its pair of analog thumb pads, and the ability to take it with you on the go, the launch lineup was... pretty underwhelmed. But hey! At least you guys got Zelda, right? And Bomberman, too! Don't forget to plan on losing weight when you wanna pick up Just Dance 2017. Or be a party fan for 1-2 Switch! :D

Miitomo X Nintendo Switch!

Straight from the cuter world of Miitomo, and its horrible freemium engine direction thx 2 eee wuh tuh the Nintendo Switch has gotten a neat crossover, to celebrate the release of the console. Starting from the 3rd March to the 23rd, fans will be able to take home a five pack in a day series of items, including stamps for Miifoto, a wallpaper, a tee, flooring and a console visor. With it, you can imagine yourself inside a real video gaming world like no other! Well, okay. You can consider it a tease of a VR headset, but Nintendo might be studying that method. So if you have a digital copy of Miitomo (depending on which mobile device you've got), make sure to pick them all up before they're gone! ;D

Now, as promised, I've got a huge announcement! Starting right now, I'm going to be taking a three month long spring break. While doing so, I will attempt to focus more time on the 3DS and tablet, as well as saving my money to buy myself a Cruiser Bicycle from any store. When I do plan on buying a Cruiser Bicycle, I may be able to abandon walking from any kind of nearby store, which may lead to a painful event for my legs and feet. Though, considering how genkoforrest recommended me to do some light exercise, I might have to put the bike riding aside. So yeah. That's a bonus. I won't make more content before spring break comes, but until we all meet again, I will see you all in June.

But no worries! Dera Mochimazzi will take control of the Daily Dragon Tab, once I plan to take a breather and put everything in the past. I guess I should be able to lay off the internet for once and not comment on everything bad these days. So, again, I hope to see you all in June, and happy spring break! :D

Nintendo Switch News! (And a Spring Break announcement.)


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