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Last Night's Nightmare by jechoes90

Last night's nightmare.

I don't often have memorable nightmares. Night terrors and sleep paralysis are the things that usually disturb my sleep, but I thought this might be of artistic interest.

There's a book at the library I used to work at meant to show kids the purposes of different kinds of teeth. Sounds informative, doesn't it? Except the illustrator had the idea to draw a kid with venomous snake fangs on the cover, flaunting his dental deformity.

Hence, my nightmare. I watched an obscure episode of the twilight zone. Sam, a child prodigy and pet owner, offered to perform a magic trick. His mouth was then immediately switched with that of a nearby labrador as he began to howl. The rest of the episode was nothing more than a montage of Sam's mouth taking the form of wild animals, including a crocodile's and a hippo's. It ended when a panicking adult insisted, "It's a ghost! Under the mask is a ghost!" Indeed, this random adult tore off Sam's head, which happened to be a mask with nothing underneath.

I suspect that the last part of this dream was inspired by
this picture from my deviantart account. That would make this the first time I caused myself to have a nightmare. I don't remember if I woke up screaming; usually, my night terror will be preceded by that blue fetus from the final "Courage the Cowardly Dog" episode. That, incidentally, is the third most frightening face I've ever seen in my life.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this. I'm going to try to post a weekly sketch. A big honkin' gift picture for my niece has taken up a chunk of my time, but I'm almost done with it. Expect Our Human Masks, Chapter 3 on February 13th.

Last Night's Nightmare


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