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Car skidding story by nightdragon0

Last week my car skidded off the road during the icy weather. Didn’t hit anything other than landing in a ditch and I was fine. No structural damage other than some scratches & some cracks on the underside of the bumper’s plastic sections. I actually just drove back onto the road & continued driving. Car ran for a while more before the engine unfortunately failed & had to get it towed.

Calling the towing was a major hassle due to the poor reception, and thankfully a highway patrol officer stopped and helped me out.

I had friends in the town where the breakdown happened who helped me out too. There’s the positivity of knowing people in places that you wouldn’t normally have known without the fandom.

And I have insurance coverage that set me up with a rental car, and is having the vehicle looked at to determine if repairable or to be written off. Crossing my fingers that the latter doesn’t happen as I really like the car, but I have the coverage either way and worse case is I have to go car shopping with the payout (if the car is written off).

Overall, I’m glad it wasn’t anything more major. I’m actually somewhat disappointed because in the 12 years of holding my driver’s license (counting both here & from Singapore), the biggest hit a vehicle I was driving had taken was me reversing into a lamppost in the parking lot during my first year.

Car skidding story


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