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Avoid Sprint at all costs!! by InfinityForever

Sprint claims to be a great cell company, however they have been giving me the run-around for over a month now. Here's the situation: Last month (as any who read my journal already know) my step-dad passed away, December 11th to be exact. After getting a copy of his death certificate I immediately went to a Sprint store to cancel his line on my contract. I was told they would get it all handled and I'd have nothing to worry about. Here comes January 10th when I notice that for some reason his line is still on the bill showing active. I immediately go online and chat with an agent whom informs me that my trip to the store was apparently for naught as they hadn't received any death notification and I was thus asked to re-submit via letter that I received January 17th. I proceeded to scan the death certificate and e-mail it to the address supplied as I could not fax (since who really has a fax machine anymore?). Today I find out that apparently the e-mail was never received and was then asked to submit the claim again because in their eyes it was never processed or even validated or whatever they said. My bill is due January 31st, it's now the 27th, and they are expecting me to pay an entire $416.77. More than half of that is the third line to which should of been cancelled as me and my brother (the other two lines) upgraded to a cheaper contract from Samsung Galaxy S4's to S7's (just to give you an idea how long it had been since I upgraded). However now they are trying to basically charge me for two contracts on the same billing account, which is just plain wrong.

My mom took the phone out of my hand, that is while I was speaking with an agent over the phone, and proceeded to yell at them since this issue should of been solved weeks ago. All they offered me was a meager $49.99 credit to my bill which as I'm typing this went in, but that means they are still expecting me to pay the full $366.78. However I make minimum wage at a movie theater, that alone is more than my entire two week paycheck...and they still expect me to pay that? My mom even said that there is no way I'm paying that and they better not incur any late fees either until the bill is corrected to how it should of been weeks ago.

So all-in-all, take my advice from this horrible experience, and just avoid Sprint at any and all costs. If you currently have an account with Sprint, please try and switch away as soon as you possibly can. I'm sadly stuck with them for two years because I upgraded recently and I don't have the kind of money to pay for early termination...but as soon as those two years are up...I'm getting FAR, FAR away from Sprint.

Avoid Sprint at all costs!!


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