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Draco Mammalians by ACDragon

Historically, I've called the species my persona is a part of a type of "Draco Reptilian" or something along those lines, but the more I think about it and really get into the nitty gritty of my species, I don't think "Reptilian" is really accurate. And the fact that some of my people have hair and smooth skin lends credence to the idea that we are neither reptile nor bird, but are instead a type of mammal.

There is the also the fact that though we are not human, we share many traits with humans, not the least of which is the belly button, which is apparently a very unique phenomenon as people tend to act like only humans have them. Furthermore, our genitalia is on the outside, which is a mammalian trait, and our females have permanent breasts which, depending on who you ask, is an exclusively mammalian trait (I don't necessarily agree with that, but I'm not here to argue either way about that).

Some of my people have scales, but some mammals have scales too, such as the Pangolin, which is similar to an Aardvark (and here's a fun piece of trivia: female pangolins also have two boobies, just like human females do). Some also have thick serpentine tails, such as the Kangaroo.

And finally there is the one thing that has bothered me more than anything else about my species: we have pointed ears, similar to elves. While some reptiles have external ears, they consist usually of simple holes near the backs of their heads. What they don't usually consist of is a large structure extending out from the head the way humans, dogs, cats, and just about every other mammal in existence, has. Yet my people do have these, and we share several other traits with mammals that reptiles don't normally have.

So as far as I can tell, my people are not reptiles. That being said, however, we are dragons, because despite popular myth, the word "dragon" does NOT automatically imply "reptile."

Personally, I don't like using the term I used in my title, and I still rather enjoy the word "Reptilian," it sounds so... I dunno, cool. Maybe it's just a familiar term to me, and I am a creature of habit, so that might be why I still occasionally call myself one. But all the evidence I have suggests that I'm not one, that I am instead a mammal. I don't have nearly the trouble calling myself a dragon that I do calling myself a Reptilian, given the evidence at hand, so maybe I'll just try to do that more often. I don't know yet. But it is kinda cool and I figured since I came to this interesting conclusion I would share it with you all. :)

Draco Mammalians


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