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Ho! Ho! Hoo! May Rick crisp mess everyone! =D by Akelun

Eeeeeeeeet bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Comment allez-vous!!? =D

Oups, sorry, that's my French side coming out. I wanted to say: "Aaaaaaaaand hello everyone! How are you!!? =D"
And more importantly, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU! I hope Santa Claus did spoil you a max! =D

Me, it was fine. I wasn't... really spoiled, I guess, but when I know that some people (like a friend of me) don't receive anything for Christmas (at least for this one), I definitely can't complain. If some of you, my watchers who are reading this journal, are in the same case, let me tell you that I am really sorry for you. This is definitely the kind of sad news to hear.

Concerning this day which is, as you know, a so particular and unique event, I don't have anything planned to show you, sorry. After all, knowing that once I wanted to post a drawing for Halloween, 1 month before, and that I finally posted it for the new year... you can understand I don't have anything to show. XP

Whatever, simple words can sometimes be stronger than pictures, so, that's why I was keen on wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

See you in a few days for the happy new year wishes... or before if one of the picture(s) I'm working on is / are done. ;)

MERRY CHRISTMAS! ~Friendly dragon licks on all of my active watchers' cheek~ Mwar! =P


Ho! Ho! Hoo! May Rick crisp mess everyone! =D


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