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MFF 2016 Recap by pandapaco

(English below)

Me es muy difícil empezar a redactar una recapitulación de una convención tan fantástica como fue la Midwest Furfest 2016. Probablemente mi más favorita convención (es difícil decidir por una favorita, la BLFC de este mismo año también fue igual de asombrosa, pero con muchos detalles diferentes, pero me divertí tal vez igual, pero siento que esta fue aún más, por haber sido más reciente).

Empezando con que mis compañeros de cuarto era un grupo de asombrosos chicos a quienes tenía muchas ganas de conocer y convivir. Jac Fox, Acru, 2chaotic, Shinden, Artie, Radioactive Toast y Arcaroo.

Llegué el martes 29 de Noviembre al aeropuerto de Chicago, al día siguiente fuimos a downtown para ir al museo de ciencia e industria, estuvo muy cool, amo los museos en Estados Unidos, son tan grandes, interesantes, interactivos y se empeñan tanto en verse atractivo. A esa visita nos acompañaron dos chicos: Hiro y Alexia.

Regresando al hotel empezamos a ver muchos furries llegando...
Ahora que lo pienso, sería eterno contarles cada una de las cosas que hice en la convención, creo que escribiría toda una novela que nadie leería, mejor hago un resumen: ESTUVO EXTREMADAMENTE COOL

Vi a muchísimos amigos, hice otros tantos, conocí a tanta gente, me sorprende cuánta gente me reconoce, me saluda, me pide fotos.

El art show y el artists alley fueron todo un éxito!!
En el art show vendí 4 cuadros de los 6 que llevé a exponer (solo 1 no se vendió, el otro estaba en NFS (No a la venta) )
En el artists alley sorprendente llené mi queue en menos de una hora, a las 2 de la tarde había chicos que llegaban queriendo una comisión mía, y ya no podía, estaba completamente lleno, pero la venta de stickers y cuadros continuó. Vendí todos los cuadros que llevé, me regresé sin ninguno X3

Recibí muchísimos regalos de navidad por parte de amigos, a quienes les agradezco muchísimo los detalles tan geniales:
Gracias a Tony Ringtail (cuyo regalo fue entregado gracias a Rhino Wolf), Jac Fox, 2chaotic, Shinden, Acru, Neevi, Butters, Artie, Other Otter, Yoshi Azul, Moof, Salmy, Riley, Flip bunny, Macroceli y DuncanRoo, por tan asombrosos regalos.

Me encontré con tantas personas tan geniales, que sería dificilísimo nombrar a cada uno de ellos, y estoy seguro que se me olvidaría alguien, pero es que aaaah, fueron tantos!!!
Intenté darles un pequeño detalle a cada uno de mis amigos que tenía planeado ver, me sentí mal cuando alguien me saludaba y no recordaba que lo vería ahí, y no tenía regalo para él/ella.

La cena de Inkbunny la disfruté muchísimo, mucha plática con varios chicos y comida rica.

Y lo mejor de la convención. NEVÓ!!!!! HUBO NIEVE!!! El domingo de la convención comenzó a nevar desde muy temprano, cuando abrí la cortina y vi nevar, inmediatamente salí corriendo hacia afuera para disfrutar por primera vez en mi vida la caída de nieve. Fue hermoso, nada decepcionante, un día inolvidable y mágico, rodeado de mi gran familia, el furry fandom, jamás lo olvidaré.

Después fui al downtown de Chicago con 3 amigos: Moof, Salmy y Pepe (Other Otter), ahí también nos la pasamos muy bien, turisteando, conviviendo juntos, riendo y bromeando.

Tantos momentos increíbles que he vivido con los furries, lo mucho que ha cambiado mi vida desde que me uní al fandom, tantas experiencias, tantos amigos, tanta gente alrededor del mundo, no tenemos fronteras, combinamos culturas, y lo que nos une es este gran gusto por los personajes antropomorfos. No solo por las convenciones, que son fines de semana increíbles donde muchos amigos de internet se vuelven reales, también ha cambiado mi vida aquí en mi ciudad, he creado una nueva familia y hecho un nuevo hogar, con personas que se han vuelto bastante especiales para mí. No podría estar más agradecido con los furries.

Si quieren ver mis fotos de la convención, he aquí el link donde pueden verlas!!


It is very difficult for me to start writing a recap of a convention as fantastic as the Midwest Furfest 2016 was (even more after writting the same in spanish, it is very tired having to write in both languages, hehe, that's why most of times I only write in english, but this time I really wanted to share this experience in both). Probably MFF 2016 was my most favorite convention (it is difficult to decide for a favorite, this year's BLFC was just as amazing but with many different details, but I had a blast there maybe same, but I feel this was even more for being more recent, lel).

My roommates was a group of amazing guys whom I really wanted to meet. jacfox jacfox, acrufox acrufox, 2chaotic 2chaotic, shindenwolf shindenwolf, Artie Artie, radioactivetoast radioactivetoast and Arcaroo Arcaroo

I arrived on Tuesday, November 29 at Chicago airport, the next day we went to downtown to the science and industry museum, it was very cool, I love museums in United States, they are so big, interesting, interactive and always very attractive. Two other guys were with us on that way out: Hiro and Alexia.

Returning to the hotel we started to see many furries arriving ...
Now that I think about it, it would be eternal to tell each of the things I did at the convention, I think I would write a whole novel that nobody would read, better I make a summary: IT WAS EXTREMELY COOL!!!!

I saw many friends, I made also many new friends, I met so many people, I'm surprised how many people recognized me, said hi, asked me for photos.

The art show and the artists alley were a hit !!
In the art show I sold 4 pictures of the 6 that I took to expose (only 1 was not sold, the other was in NFS (Not for sale))
It was amazing that at artists' alley I filled my queue in less than an hour, at 2pm there were guys coming in wanting a commission from me, and I couldn't, I was completely full, but the sale of stickers and pictures in frames continued. I sold all those frames, I returned home without any X3

I received lots of Christmas presents from friends, to whom I thank you very much for the great details:
Thanks to Tony Ringtail (gift given by Rhino Wolf), jacfox jacfox, 2chaotic 2chaotic, shindenwolf shindenwolf, acrufox acrufox, Neevi, buttersdabear buttersdabear, Artie Artie, Other Otter, noirex noirex, Moof, Salmy Salmy, waywardmutt waywardmutt, Flip Bunny, Macroceli and DuncanRoo. So many amazing gifts by amazing persons.

I met so many great people, it would be very difficult to name each one of them, and I'm sure I would forget someone, but it's aaaah, there were so many !!!
I'll try.
In the spanish version I was very lazy to write them but I think now that I'm writting again all this in english I'll be less lazy.
Besides my roomates, the guys I went to the museum with, and the people whom I received gifts, I met Seth Iova, RC mouse, Aurora, Aura, Codex, Eligecos, Sammy Stowes, Freddy panda, Neevi panda, Panda bwee, Talos, Ceryx, Mild Milo, Landis, Radix, Loaki, Cyberblade, Scurrow, Flip Bunny, Ruka, Kipper, Tuskyn, Buzz, Gecko, Andy, Drew, Kurtt, Elliot bunny, Kodi, Rabid bunny, Buckley deer,  Chase, Croc O'Dile, SupaMeep, White Paw, Scooter, Cyrin, Albi Azul, Yoshi Azul, Midnight, Friendly Fox, Panda named panda, Krystofur, JD Puppy, KuddlePup, Pakrat, Kazan, Jazz Otter, Stevie panda, Erasmus, Soggy master, Carrot, Fraddas, Oooo, Justin the cheetah, Golden Rod, Inu Hein, Atsu Fawx, Era the bat, ....... OMG I'm really sorry if I forgot someone, and I won't tag on galleries those names, I'll take the rest of this year doing that for each one of the galleries I'm posting this journal. But yes, it was many many many people!!!!!

I enjoyed a lot the Inkbunny dinner even more than last year (Sorry, I didn't enjoyed it at Anthrocon at all), much talk with several guys and delicious food.

And the best of the convention. IT SNOWED!!!!! THERE WAS SNOW !!! Sunday during the convention it began to snow very early, when I opened the curtain of my room and saw snow, I immediately ran out to enjoy the first snowfall in my life. It was beautiful, nothing disappointing, an unforgettable and magical day, surrounded by my big family, the furry fandom, I will never forget it. I'll keep that day in my memory.

Then I went to Chicago downtown with 3 friends: Moof, Salmy and Pepe (Other Otter), there we also had a great time, sightseeing, being together, laughing and joking.

So many incredible moments that I have lived with the furries, my life has changed a lot since I joined the fandom, so many experiences, so many good friends, so many people I've met around the world, we do not have borders, we combine cultures, and what unites us is our like for the anthropomorphic characters. Not only because of the conventions, which are incredible weekends where many internet friends become real, it has also changed my life here in my country, also in the city I'm living, I have created a new family and made a new home, with people who have become quite special for me. I could not be more grateful with furries. Thanks guys!! <3

I want to provide a link with the pictures of the convention, enjoy them!!

MFF 2016 Recap


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