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Bloop bloop doo be adoobie doop! by KrissieFox

I had an eventful day on Thursday and I wanna type words about it! To keep beach city weeeiiird! chugs more coke

Well, actually the first couple things were rather serious. -sighs softly- can't really go into too much detail but I discovered some rather disturbing books in a store that was supposed to have inclusive policies for LGBT people and all religions. "Is the end? Signs of God's providence in a disturbing new world" by dr. david jeremiah sported a rather ominous looking cover that rather concerned me, so I took a look and it was full of horrid remarks about LGBT people. Homosexuality was branded a 'perversion[ and 'debauchery., same sex marriage 'an act of depravity, transgender women as 'men wanting to use women's showers and restrooms'. The second book, 'The three heavens' by john hagee was more of the same, only taking aim more at wiccans and satanists, talking about them as if they were some sort of infestation, seemingly aghast at the concept of other religions having the same rights as christianity.

That's some pretty fucked up shit. Freedom of speech is great, and I encourage using those freedoms to speak up against this hate propaganda being softly labeled as "inspirational christian literature". These scumbags have the right to write and publish their shitty rags, but any store willing to carry such material...weeell, it doesn't bode well for their image. It's a pretty big indication of 'money is more important than doing the right thing'.

After leaving the store, I encountered a man in the parking lot, holding a sign asking for money. I spoke with him for a while and learned that he is traveling across the country to join in the Dakota pipeline protests. I hadn't known much about it at the time, but it sounded very admirable, especially with him seeming to have so little money but still wanting to make a difference. I later learned that the pipelines are not only across sacred lands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe but also the process involves 'fracking' which apparently does some pretty fucked up stuff to the environment, like making water ignitable and increasing earthquake activity. I've heard Trump supports the pipeline which is troubling...(but not surprising)

A bit later I joined a coworker who was treating me to some beauty salon place. It turned out to be quite pleasant. I was worried it would be full of stereotypically superficial beauticians, but the ladies were all very nice and cool. My beautician even had a scar on her arm that she showed me, form a friendly fire incident during her time in the military. Pretty bad-ass, hehe. Since I have all the physical grace of a rabid, psychotic hampster on fire, I've never been very good at makeup and such. I didn't even know what half the stuff on the menu really meant (though the prices were all great!). but I went with an eyebrow waxing, and that went well. I've seen the youtube videos where men try waxing, and they whined sooo was no problem for me, so now those guys kinda look like big babies to me, hehe. It was the tweezing that hurt more, really. I wanted to try getting some nail art done in a gay pride or spooky halloween style, but unfortunately they were closing soon. Maybe another time.

Lastly, I got home and started an xbox 360 minecraft map with :iconr-a-blackpaws: We got a lot done on our first day and had lots of fun :) We got ourselves a wheat and melon farm set up, as well as a sheep and cow pen. We made a little cobblestone starter shelter with a cool bunk bed and skylight. Shi did lots of mining and got a nether portal set up for us, which we've yet to peek into. We also found a jungl;e temple within sprinting distance of our home, and a few half-generated villages, including a weird one that spawned inside a ravine! To top it all off, we found the stronghold right under our house XD We then got started on making a 'zombie beach party' and I'm thinking of also making a treehouse in the nearby jungle.

-Thus concludes my ramblings for the day! bows You fuzzies all take care, stay safe, warm and be kind to one another. <3

Bloop bloop doo be adoobie doop!


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