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Welp by Eelaz

I was expecting this site to be a cool alternative to DeviantArt.... Guess it's just an other fetish-infested "art" site...



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    Slap a slow down for second there, for me DA was the weird bad fetish and harsh ecosystem. I do see what you mean in full, the bad apples on here are busy trying to get and pulls on the fishing line. So many times I'm looking for one thing 12 horrible versions of it pop up.

    Only so much blacklisting can do when people don't tag their works right. So much for this new domain, people still cling to Fa and FN. This site is going down fast integrity wise.

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      Even with the safe for work thing turned on, that's the thing.
      Just taking a look at Weasyl's home page, with the "latest submissions" thing. Ugh. I don't care about the fetish stuff in itself, whatever gets you off, that's fine, it's not hurting anyone. Just... This was supposed to be a clean art site, right....? It's not shocking to me or anything, just not what this particular site is meant for? 85% of the first things you see (heck, even in the "recently popular" part!) is either inflation, weight gain or vore stuff.... or "yiff". Or some huge boobs and ass or other fetish fuel. As I said, I don't care what people like, draw whatever the heck makes you happy! But... Eh. Not in my face?

      I'm mostly active on Tumblr and instagram anyway, but still, it's a little annoying.

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        Oh I feel your pain and facial expression, but it's bothersome and almost harassment in a sense. It's like pop up ads, or crazy people throwing things in your face. I'm fine for what people are into but having shit thrown in my face everyday when looking for normal tame works its like running into the racist crazy preacher down the street everyday.

        This place feels like reddit and sex spam bots. I was gonna use this site as a fresh start but I dunno. Oh well extra extra read all about it this place is ending up the same as other sites.. There is no safe category for these things......invasive species I call it.

        Hows intagram working for you art wise? Tumblr is okay in my books but there are so many apps its a bit of flood water to try and get into anything else.

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          Well, Instagram... I personally enjoy it, even though it isn't working that amazingly for me yet. But that's not instagram's or the user's fault, I just need to improve and post better stuff ;') Tumblr is ok too. At least you're not spammed with everything, as you can choose what you want to see, depending on who you decide to follow.