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A week later... by moonstonewind

Its been a week since Yerich and I got mauled, and we are healing well. Thank you for the support. I am going into the next phase and contacting a lawyer. I really wish I did not have to but I do. The pitbulls have been deemed as dangerouse dogs/dogs at large. And once there quarantine is up they either will be relocated or Euthed depending uppon final Temprement tests.

A week later...


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    So glad things are getting better. It's always sad to see dogs have to be put down, but understandable, when something like this happens. Pitbulls get a lot of bad rap in general, but I think it's more a case of bad owners than bad dogs (since these that mauled you were allowed to roam free, it seems?). All the pits I'd ever met were so nice, but then they had awesome (responsible and respectful) owners, so I think that's likely why. *hugs you tight* <3

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      Yes mamma swan this occored on my own front porch they were free roaming no ID no rabies tags.

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        OMG yeah, that's just totally inexcusable...they could have gone after a young child, and killed him/her. D: I wonder if anyone else (or any pet) also got mauled? Have the police mentioned anything?