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Midwest Furfest 2015 highlights/亮点 (yes, 2015 你没看错) by kakurady

这是我的 Furfest 2015 兽聚大会报告。你没看错,2015年。其实一回来就用英语写好了,但是因为想要处理照片然后翻译成汉语,然后就推到现在了……Furfest 2016 就要来了,为了不要把大家搞糊涂了,赶在那之前推出来吧。

This is my Furfest 2015 con report. Yes, 2015. I actually wrote the whole thing as soon as I got back, but because I wanted to wait until done with the photos and translate it into Chinese, I eventually deferred it till now... Furfest 2016 is coming, gotta put this out before that, otherwise people might get confused.

  • Singing Artuhr's theme with Nico (NeonSlushie NeonSlushie) ! 和Nico一起唱《Arthur》的主题曲!
  • getting into Torq (GroggyFox) and being very non-torq-y. 试穿 Torq 然后彻底破化角色形象。
  • Talking with FlurryCat 和 Flurry 对话
  • Skipping to the head of the parade with SaxxonPike. That's almost like cheating! Also, the twice-parade. 游行时和 Saxxon 一起站在最前面。差不多快要算作作弊了。还有,游行长到结束以后可以从头再回来一次。
  • Meeting three of TheGrottoCreations fursuits in less than 30 minutes! (sadly wasn't able to set up a photo shoot because just can't stop photographing other fursuiters. Need to be more patient, grr) 30 分钟以内遇到三只 The Grotto Creations 兽装! (可惜没有能够拍全家福,管不住自己去拍别的兽装去了。要耐心)
  • GreenReaper GreenReaper and Wah the Wah! GreenReaper 和他的小熊猫!
  • Spending too much money at Lemonbrat's stall. (And a little at ambaaargh ambaaargh's) 在 Lemonbrat 摊位上花了很多钱。(在Amb啊啊啊啊啊啊啊那里花了一点钱。)
  • Smaller things 比较小的事情
  • - running into lygerah. Repeatedly. 遇见了 Lygerah。 然后再次遇见 Lygerah。 然后再次……
  • - aboxofdeth aboxofdeth
  • - getting retweeted by SVC! AAAAAAH! 被 SVC 转推了! 啊啊啊啊!
  • - yoshinomi. Senpai noticed me!!! 先辈注意到我了!
  • - got to see Takun Takun! Kev! Notch! Neybulot Neybulot (which we should talk more often)! FibreKitty FibreKitty AlysterWolf AlysterWolf! ArcticSkyWolf! ramcat ramcat! And CanineHybrid in stealth mode! So many long-lost friends and fursuit crushes! 好多好久不见的朋友和我的兽装偶像!
  • - Telephone's panel. I swear, if they keeps that up it's going to be bigger than Uncle Kage's Story Hour... Telephone 的讲座。再这样下去人气要超过 “Kage 大叔的故事时间” 了。
  • - Ordering a $30 meal and balancing the bowl on the leg to eat it 点了份 $30 的饭,然后把碗放在大腿上吃
  • - main hotel is great for fursuiting. 主场地酒店对于穿兽装有优势
  • - Dance competition rocks the socks off!!! 舞蹈比赛惊天动地!
  • - I don't think I actually used the 12-50mm lens this con. 这次兽展我好像没有用过 12-50mm 镜头。
  • - Back in Anthrocon, I tried to make sure that when I asked fursuiters for a photo, I stop them for only the minimal time. Now I'm much less afraid to stop fursuiters for a longer time, and ask them to pose, or move around for -better lighting (didn't get used to bouncing my flash on ceilings until Monday). 在 Anthrocon 那次,每当问兽装表演者拍照的时候,我尽力减少停下他们的时间。现在我不那么害怕多停他们一会儿,问他们摆姿势,或者走到光照更好的地方(到周一我才适应用天花板反射闪光灯的光。)
  • - even though it's a big con, and mostly doing fursuit-related activities, I ended up chatting so much that my throat is sore! 虽然兽展很大,我也主要在做兽装相关的活动,最后还是聊了不少的天,以至于嗓子都有些沙哑。
  • - TSA Agent giving announcements. Not notable in itself, but his rapid delivery and cool demeanor is almost entertaining. I appreciate the effort in trying to make travel better for all (2016 edit: especially in the holiday season), even though being TSA is a thankless job for the most part. TSA 安检人员发表的通告。通告本身并没有什么,但是他沉着的态度和讲话的速度快赶上相声了。我感激他在努力让大家的出行更好(2016注:特别是这是在节日期间),即使 TSA 是一个没什么人感谢的工作。
  • Disappointments 失望的地方
  • - didn't catch Fibre in suit (did get him out of suit && in the headless lounge) 没有在穿兽装的时候见到 Fibre (兽装休息室里面和没穿兽装的时候见到了)
  • - didn't see Fiber at all 根本没见见到 Fiber
  • - didn't get to do more than say Hi to ruki 和 Ruki 只是打了个招呼
  • - Didn't meet OMG fursuits, Trademark Fox, or
  • - Only able to come in at friday night. Also, registration closed( who thinks that's a good idea...) 周五晚上才能到。到的时候注册关门了
  • - Forever alone while eating. (But I did use this chance to meet new people!) 吃饭的时候永远单身。 (遇见新同好的好机会!)
  • - room mishaps. 房间问题。

Simply so much joy, nothing in the world could compare! Even when things aren't going as planned I had lots of fun. 如此欢乐,世界上没有任何可以比拟!即使计划落空的时候,我也很高兴。

The atmosphere is so friendly, I can't help being a bit friendlies too. I don't know how many times people thanked me for taking their photos. To that I want to say:

Thanks to everybody on staff and attended. Everyone I meet might not be perfect, but all are so approachable, enthusiastic, and truly example of the Furfest code of conduct : “be excellent to each other”. you make the world!
感谢所有主办和参加的人。你们也许并不完美,但是所有人都如此易于接近,如此热心,确实是 Furfest 守则 “卓越地互相对待”最真实的表现。世界因你们而精彩!

翻译注记 Translation notes

lemonbrat 上买的蝙蝠背心并没有怎么用 (但是还是觉得很享受) Didn't use the bat hoodie from Lemonbrat that much (but it's still enjoyable)

Amber那里买的衬衫有点小,也并没有怎么用 T-shirt from Amber was a little tight, didn't see much use either

找不到合适的词翻译“fursuiter” can't find an appropriate word for “fursuiter”

Midwest Furfest 2015 highlights/亮点 (yes, 2015 你没看错)


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  • Link

    Hope to see you again at MFF 2016! :3

    • Link

      No... I'm not going. Maybe next year?