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How to put it. by Ryngs

Where have I been, and what have I been doing?... I always regret doing these disappearing acts, but I need them to recharge my creative, mental, and emotional batteries. Normally, this is a month or two where I withdrawal from the world, and reorganize my thoughts, and my spirit. Drain off the negative energy and mental clutter I pick up as I go through life.

This time however, was because of the build up to the election. The electoral process is stressful enough in a normal year, but this time was truly messed up. I figured I would get my head together once the elections were over... Then “it” happened.

Suddenly, the rose colored glasses of believing the cultural stone ages bigotry, and racism were coming to an end were ripped from my eyes. That we were a culturally progressive nation, and nothing could take that away. The morning of November the 9th I woke up in a dystopian reality of hate, and willful ignorance inspired by lies, and misplaced fears. That the once enlightened culture I was apart of was nothing more then a dream.

I was left betrayed by friends, family, and my fellow Americans. Half the country had supported a Fascist... The blood of my grandfather (who charged Normandy on D-day to over throw what was the greatest of evils in his time), was for nothing. As the evil of Fascism now sits in wait to take its place as President of the country that my Grandfather once served.

Now I sit in stunned disbelief of the world around me. My nights are consumed with nightmares, and my days are consumed with worry. I no longer feel I have a home country, as “This” is not the country I have lived in. I now question my assessments of each and every person I talk to now (are they who I think they are, or are they a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a white supremacist, are they a bully, etc?).

I watch in helplessness with each of the appointment the president-elect makes, democracy dies, and the unwillingness of the congress and senate to resist. No they are dancing in the isles as now their dreams of greed, control, and oppression are about to be made real. I watch helpless as day by day the hopes of saving the environment before its to late, die. I watch tearfully as day by day civility dies...

I wait for the inevitable news that a friend or friends have been hurt, or killed, or that I will be attacked for a way of expressing ones self as a fur, for a way of thinking, for a way of living, or for even existing. I am reliving my youth in the south where I was bullied relentlessly and beat up for being “Different”, for being an artist, for drawing anthropomorphic animals. You don't know what it is to live everyday in fear, true fear. I left that world behind once I got out of school, and have lived at peace for many years. Until November 8th. Now I am feeling that oppressive, and dark world all around me once more.

So, I am left a mess. I will produce art again, its a part of who I am. Just for the moment I am to messed up to find my muse. Please be patient with me.

How to put it.


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    This election has fucked with a lot of people... I can't say I know Exactly how you feel, but I can say that I'm right there with you in how I view the country we live in and the people I interact with... One of my uncle's voted for Trump... And I lost a lot of respect for him because of it... I've always been close with him before this election, though, so I'm at a loss as to what I should do now. I didn't vote for him, or Hillary for that matter. I voted for Jill Stein because my first pick (Bernie Sanders) had the primaries stolen from him. And before anyone gets on my ass about my vote, the numbers that went towards BOTH third party candidates wouldn't have helped Hillary win even if they all went to her. The Electoral College, Hillary Clinton, Main Stream Media, and the DNC are all to blame for the shit show that we're living in now... Not Third Parties or the people who voted for them.

    That said, There is still a high likelihood that Trump or any of his cabinet will not even make it into the white house if our own laws and constitution have anything to say about it. So I implore you, and anyone else who has lost hope, to please hold tight and keep a grip on it... As much as I despise Hillary, she won the popular vote. And I do concede that she's the "better" option between the two. If only barely imo. It's simply a matter of her contesting the new information that's arisen about the results in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and it's up to us to force the Electoral College's hand to vote in line with the will of the people.

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      Third party voters ARE to blame, especially if you claim you wanted Bernie and did NOT support Hillary! This mess IS on YOU!

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        ROFL look at the numbers, dude and quit lying to yourself. The drip feed of Main Stream Media is obvious on you.

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    Stay strong, man. We won't let this become "the new normal." We'll stay vigilant, we'll stand up for each other. That said, don't let it consume you. We must do everything we can, but we also can't let this destroy everything we've worked for. Keep drawing, keep being a fur, keep being yourself. In four years we will strike back in a big way.

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    I feel the exact same way! I have been unable to do any art since the election and don't know how I ever will again! I was bullied all my life until I was an adult and this horrible turn of events makes me fear for it all happening again. I wish I had some words of hope for you, but I have no hope! :( And just so you know, moderators may remove your post (they didn't like the one I made on the same subject).

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    I wanted Bernie, but knew the only option was Hillary, given the circumstances.

    And half the nation didn't vote for Trump, less than a quarter voted for him. More than a quarter voted for Clinton. And then half didn't vote. :/