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Winter's Gallows "Theme Song"? by AeroboltShadowVulpine

So um...
...I always seem to assign my writing projects with a quote unquote "theme song" that I listen to a lot when I write because it fuels me with ideas, motivations, and confidence that I use to write.
For a long time I wondered... what song would fit this monumental project I am working on?

At first it was My Demons by Starset.
Buuuut I thought that fit its impending prequel, Summer's Gallows much more so...

Then it was Antigravity ALSO by Starset...
But no... it fit Lukan more than the story itself...

I needed something that fit the whole story. That encompasses practically every character in it. The essence of all that I include within...
But I suppose I was looking at the wrong band. While it's true that Starset is my new favorite band, whom they replaced as my favorite held the perfect one...

So I finally settled on Final Masquerade by Linkin Park...
It's perfect.
And it's even more fitting realizing the time this song came out. Summer 2014... right after the heartwrecking fiasco that was the first half of that year... It's intense...
And even MORE so when the song that comes after it in the album... very strongly fits Lukan and Klaus's relationship with... ...well I should not say much more than that, I know that for sure! :P

I suppose I should place a small warning that if you are not too far in the story, then this song could imply some spoilery stuffs if you think about the lyrics to it too much and how they tie in with Winter's Gallows...

Just sayin'.

One last thing before I go. Within the next day or two, I am going to try and start writing the story some more. Because I said I wouldn't take too much longer to work on the 12s and really Aero? Really? Three weeks? You fucking asshole... Just work on it damn it! ...And that is what I plan to do, 'kay...?

Winter's Gallows "Theme Song"?


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    Hmm... Depending on how long a story is I'm writing, different "acts" of said story tend to have different "themes" in my head. The two most prominent in my Small World, though, are probably the Independence Day score and "Amerika" by Rammstein. XD