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So, the election... (rant possible) by Deviantmarshal

I'm not american, so obviously the vote doesn't affect me right?

Well actually it does, it affects the whole world, despite what some indeviduals will try and portray.
I just watched one of the most biggoted, most deplorable men on earth get elected into a position of extreme power, with a single promise that wouldn't sound out of place in a 'Best works of Hitler' compilation. No other policy has come out of this guys mouth and yet somehow he is now the most powerful man alive.
This guy has nothing but a wall to bring to the presidency, nothing but to regress the US to a time when the outside world was but a myth and something to never teach your children about for fear of discovering the water really does lead to a piece of land that isn't america.
Absolutely everything about him, his deminour, his VP, etc, just makes my brain hurt with the sheer "WTF"-edness. What do people see in him that is practical and that will actually be of any use to anyone?
Maybe I legitimately don't know, maybe there really isn't anything to it, I just don't know at this point. :P

How does this affect me?
Trump is the sort of person to act L-O-N-G before he realises what he just said, which is perfect for anyone who wants him to act without thinking.
Take argentina (yes, we're doing politics already, why shouldn't I go there?)...
All they'd need to do is go to trump, flutter their eyelashes and say "Dem meanee britz took mie eyelands, can yoo help uz get em bak?" and he'd be right off to wipe the Falklands clean long before he realises he's just committed genocide against a part of a country he's supposed to be allied with! I can only hope he turns out to be the polar opposite to what we all fear him to be.

I had forsaken sleep to watch the results unferl before me, as I have most historical events thus far, but this is the only time I had felt genuine despiration to see someone fail, to see Trump come in second place to Hillary, at least so we don't have to worry anymore about his s***** antics... yet it's never going to change the fact that america just voted for the most extreme polar opposite to Obama they could find.

Phew... I'm tired, a little p***** off but better now I've had a little rant on my soapbox... but it's now wednesday and I've got an assignment to work on...

So, the election... (rant possible)


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