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Furpocalypse Meme Journal by Malachyte

Where are you staying?
Main hotel

What day are you getting there?
Thursday afternoon, leaving Monday afternoon.

Who will you be rooming with?
The lovely ettie, the gentlemanly mechsae, and the fabulous lavenderfox

Who will you hang out with during the convention?
My roomies, and also Kazu, Katija, and many others. My delightful husband Toby will be there this year, too ^^

What is the best way to find you?
Check the dealers den, table 27, because there I shall be.

Are there any panels you might be attending?
Afraid not, no time! It's going to be a drawing frenzy.

What do you look like?
Red hair, tall, kinda androgynous, and in the middle of growing my hair out so I have a slight, unfortunate mullet thing going.

Will you be suiting?

What is your gender?
Genderfluid. Use any pronoun you like, mix 'em up, make me a pronoun salad.

How tall are you?

Are you mated/in a relationship?
Married and monogamous.

Can I talk to you?
Yeah! I may not always have time to chat a lot at this con, but feel free to at least say hi.

Can I touch you?
Hugs are okay, shoulder pats, things like that. Nothing intimate please, cuddles are reserved for people close to me.

Can I visit your room?

Can I buy you drinks?
I actually think I'll be set on drinks this year. I've got a lot of stuff stocked up to bring to the con.

Can I give you stuff?
Presents are great! I can't guarantee I have something to give in return other than gratitude, though.

Can I hug or snuggle with you?
Platonic hugs are cool.

Are you nice?
I really try to be! Kindness is something I hold dear, though sometimes I get snippy without meaning to if I'm really stressed.

How long are you going?
Thursday to Monday.

Will you be going to parties?
Only the ones I have planned already. I've got some friends I really want to spend time with.

Will you be performing?
I'm always performing, my life is a show, baby o/~

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Call out Mal, Mals, Malachyte.

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Most likely not. I bring my own food to the con >w>;;

Can I take your picture?
Probably! Just ask first so I can try to look okay, eh heh

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
To have people enjoy the art I put in the art show, and to remain calm while working well. I really hope I can just relax and enjoy the con, while being productive and having fun. I've got a lot of friends backing me up, so I think I can do this!

Furpocalypse Meme Journal


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