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Autumn 2016 Updates by WinterSoul

Alternate Email
Multiple people now have had problems with sending me emails lately, so I’m going to put this out there. If you are unable to reach me at my main email, please send mail to alightir (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you all for working with me on this, I’m really frustrated with this problem as there is not much tech support to turn to. I would like to completely switch to gmail, however many of my long time clients, my friends, and family all use my main email as their go to for contacting me. Plus, the gmail that would be recognizable for my business was taken long before I thought of using gmail, so while I could use an alternate wording, I’m worried that people will assume the spelling and be sending emails to the wrong address. I’ll figure out something, but in the meantime again, here’s my alternate address:

alightir (at) gmail (dot) com

Winter Stock (Casting)
Casting news! Early this week I just finished up casting the winter stock of pendants. Any new casting orders are now closed. What does this mean? If you’d like to order, you’ll have to choose from the color of orbs which are in stock, (which are listed on each page). For other casts, whatever is cast is what is in stock, which means if that stock runs out we’ll have to wait until next year.

That’s it for now! In the meantime, the latest Shisa auction is up and ready, make sure to grab her while you can:

Autumn 2016 Updates


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