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Uploading here is not rewarding enough by Tyr Remora

Its always been a pain in the ass to be forced to upload art to so many difference sites who all have their own interpretation on how the upload process should be done and what kind of format the god damn Tags will be accepted and recognized as. A lot of you come to this site because of whatever reason made you ditch some other site. And in doing so, it makes uploading art such a chore that am starting to avoid.

Well, i'm tired of bending over for attention.... because frankly, the amount of that i get here is so god damn pitiful, i'm failing at my goal to keep up with all of them. I'm starting to be lazy and not uploading everywhere. It was through sheer paranoia from the small chance that i can lose whatever job i had that i kept trying to keep these sites up to date, just in case i need to spread my name around to get commissions when the time comes.

But that's it. its been only paranoia driving me to upload here and anywhere not FA. there's just not enough feedback on my art and its not appealing to keep putting more effort in spending a minimum of about half an hour uploading just 1 artwork to all these sites.

I'm feeling like its worth risking not building up fanbases elsewhere "just in case" for the 1-2 comments i get every 3 upload. I mean seriously, my Deviant Art gives me more feedback per picture and that's pretty sad considering how restricting they are with what is allowed to be uploaded.

So then, until i get more feedback from the website of your choice than what i get on FA. i will probably only upload stuff at this site if:

  • i'm exceptionally proud of it
  • Bored out of my mind.
  • Lose my job and need to spread my work around once again
  • or if FA really does die. and i mean for real like MySpace, not "Disgruntled user Proclaimed FA exodus bandwagon # 341"

and before you state you're banned from FA and can't see all of my artwork even if you wanted to use FA. I will still upload to Twitter and Tumblr because those are done in 2 seconds

Uploading here is not rewarding enough

Tyr Remora

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  • Link

    I feel the same way. Every "exodus" from FA always mentions Weasyl as some sort of sanctuary for furries and yet no one ever gives my stuff any attention for feedback. Hell, Furry Network is the same nonsense.

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    Sadly, Furaffinity seems to be popular mostly just because it's...more popular. It's just got the most users. Especially if you rely on commissions, there's not much choice.

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    I honestly only came to weasyl to reserve my name. Same with FurryNetwork. Other than that, it's easier to just DEAL with FA / DA.

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    I still haunt FA, but I really don't like most of the "community" there and am far more likely to watch and comment here. I don't fave anything anywhere any more (nothing personal; bad experiences over at FA), so it might look like I don't appreciate your work, but I do.