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Regarding my last journal entry by tigerwriter93

I've been feeling better and have gotten a chance to relax a little bit at work today; I pretty much had nothing to do all day, thankfully.

I've talked with my mom a little bit about everything too. She says she acknowledges that me and my boyfriend are in a relationship but still doesn't approve of it; I'm fine with this, so long as she doesn't harass me about it. I explained to her that I've been stressed about how my life is right now and that I feel stuck and have no purpose. She says she understands this.

I'm also taking up an offer proposed by a good friend of mine: moving in with him. He currently lives in the same town where I go to college, so that wouldn't be a problem when I go back to school. While there's already one person living on his half of the duplex, I'm thinking of just moving in with him anyway. I understand that I should contribute to rent and bills; I understand that I'll need a job once I move. Nothing's set in stone yet, I just have to wait on a couple things.

As with the car situation, if I get one before I move, awesome; if I don't, I'll figure things out from there.

I've also explained these things with my mom. Honestly, and surprisingly, she seemed to be understanding overall.

Overall, I've felt much calmer today, though I'm still at the point where certain occurrences will most likely fire me back into a stressful fit.

I'm trying to stay calm as best as I can; right now, though, I'm still in a fragile state where little things will easily induce negative stress.

To the two commissioners I currently have, should you ever read this, I apologize. These past two weeks have been stressful and emotional for me, and it's really hindered on my writing. I will try to make more progress on both of yours this weekend when I won't have much going on; I'll also try to work on them next week as well.

In other news, I will be going to a local writer's workshop tomorrow. It's all day and costs $75 to get in, but I think it'll be worth it. While I've never heard of any of the authors that will give talks on different topics, I'm sure I'll still learn something new about writing. The central theme for the workshop is "Secrets for Success;" I'll admit, it sounds gimmicky, but the events (or panels or talks or whatever you want to call them) sound interesting enough. Plus, I have the potential to get connected with local, Wisconsin writers.

So yes, I'm feeling a bit better, but not quite there yet. I just hope things turn around soon.


Regarding my last journal entry


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