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Slated for Closure by Xilimyth

It's looking less like a hiatus and more like a closure <.<.

Slated for Closure


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    What? You mean your Weasyl account of the internet in general?

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    Ultimately this is your decision, so do what you feel you have to. I can't make or unmake it for you, and my commentary may be unwelcome, but here's my two cents.

    Just be sure that closing yourself off from your friends online is really something you have to do. You do not owe me any explanations, but you do owe yourself one; and if I may be so bold, you owe Brenna one too. That said, do you really know why you are doing this? What do you hope to gain from closing yourself off? You need to answer those questions to yourself, for yourself, first and foremost. No one else needs to know your answers.

    Have you considered what happens next? Do you have a plan to fix or resolve whatever problem(s) are driving you to do this?

    Be sure about what you are doing. Be honest with yourself about why, be honest with yourself about what happens afterwards, just be honest with yourself.

    This your decision, your choice. Stop agonizing over it and make your decision. Do what is best for you.