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New Computer and Starting School/ Una computadora nueva y empezando clases by BluefoxComics

Hello everyone! I am sorry that I have taken such a long time to even come back online to even write something about what is going on or what to expect the next upcoming months. I have been offline for almost the whole summer and I apologize for now getting on and saying anything or explaining anything, but I kind of hit a wall of troubles in just general life and I had been very busy with other details concerning work, paying for school, and all sorts of other things. So my summer quickly became dedicated to taking care of a few things and working as much as I possibly could. This meant that due to priority BluefoxComic got set aside for a little while. I must admit that I was sad to put it aside, but now that things are calming down I am more than happy to pick it up again and keep going. I hope to make it even better and with everyone’s help I know that I can learn how to make it a great comic.
So this is where I am at. The school semester has already started for me, and that means that I will quickly become busy with lectures, classes, labs and all the other fun activities that going to a college campus has to offer. Even though I will be very busy, I am going to make time for drawing, coloring and writing my comic. Part of my delays was the fact that the comic had to be drawn on paper. Working all summer has really paid off though because now I have a new laptop with which I will be able to start drawing my comics!!!! I am very excited for this, because it means that I no longer have to scan in my work and try to crop and all that which took so much time. This also means that I can draw in the middle of waiting for lectures or class and I don’t have to carry around a sketch book. I am not abandoning traditional art by any means, but keeping it electronic makes publishing a comic more frequently and of higher quality more feasible, once I learn how to us software.
So in this new light I need some help and suggestions. I would like to know what is good to use to draw cartoons! I have access to photoshop as well as gimp for free as a student, but I would like to know if there is anything better to use. I am using a tablet computer meaning I will be drawing on a touchscreen. I don’t know if that will change the style of software that I should use. Please let me know your opinions, I would really appreciate it!
I am already working on the next panel for the comic and kind of a summer drawing (for all the summer months that I have missed), and those are both on traditional paper. I hope to have them both up soon. Thank you for your support and advice, I look forward to seeing what I can do and learn in these upcoming months!

¡Hola a todos! Lo siento mucho por no haber comunicado ni haber publicado nada por los últimos meces. Tuve mucho para ocuparme con trabajo, familia, y problemas de la vida. Entonces descansé un poco de publicar el comic y me puse a hacer otras cosas. El semestre ya empezó a la universidad, y por eso muchas cosas están cambiando y voy a poder empezar publicar el comic otra vez. ¡Estoy muy animado para empezar de vuelta!
Con todos de esos cambios he llagado comparar una computadora nueva. (por todo el trabajo durante el verano) Y con esa computadora voy a poder dibujar digitalmente. Ese significa que tendré el potencial publicar los comics más rápidos y de mejor calidad, pero tengo primero que aprender cómo usar un software para dibujar. Tenga acceso a Photoshop y a Gimp como estudiante. Pero deseo escuchar algunos opiniones e ideas antes de cometerme a un tipo de software para dibujar. Por favor escríbanme o comentar debajo de lo que debo considerar. Estoy usando un tipo de Tablet de toca si ese significa algo para el software que yo debo usar.
Muchas gracias por toda su paciencia y apoyo. Estoy trabajando con dos trabajos para el comic. El panel próximo en la seria y un dibujo para el verano. Muchas gracias a todos, espero estar publicando otra vez muy pronto.

New Computer and Starting School/ Una computadora nueva y empezando clases


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  • Link

    I was wondering where you had gotten off to. Nice to see you back!

    • Link

      Thanks. It is nice to be back. It has been way too long. Life just kind of had its moment with me, but I am back now. I hope to publish things regularly. The only thing that can really throw me out for a while right now is school work, but so far it has been pretty good.