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updates and questions by jen-foxworth

As always we can do life stuff first.
So mom's gone, finally back to work. It's been really stressful. Work and being busy, keeps me from being depressed, and when she was here I didn't get to do much of it. So now I can do it again yay! Time to crank the arts right out the wazoo!
And I really need to. I need to crank as much work out as I can. Why? Well as I had already said they took the disability away. Which I was like okay I can still deal with it, that's fine.
They took the Tanf too. Not because I make too much, but because they said it has run it's course, which they had kept telling me before multiple end dates so they kept extending it and making me really confused. Last month they said not until like next year sometime. But now supposedly it's gonna be gone this month.
Well that puts me at $200 short each month. I mean I was gonna move when my lease is up anyway to a cheaper place that is not on the bus line, but that's not til June next year, and that would fix that problem. But for now it's just making it really really tight. I mean I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but things always do seem to work out. Hey maybe I'll get like a buttload of comms, or my patreon will explode, or someone will want an art slave, who knows? Just have to wait and see. If I can just make it until tax return, I'll be fine. I have a few other things that have a small percent chance of making enough money to tide me over, but I can't divulge them here, and they are not art related.
But I mean something like this happened when I quit my job too. I was just barely having enough financial stuff to make it, like on the wire, and bam I pulled it off. Stuff increased and what not. I just have to do that again. XD I've already trimmed all expenses that could be trimmed so just have to see how it goes.

Now onto the updates on work and such.
New Patreon updates that are very important!
If you FOLLOW (not pledge) you also will get updates on there now! So if you can't pledge, and you just want to follow me on there, you will get updates I believe. (that's how it is working for me following others anyway) and I do post sketches and doodles and other things that don't make it on here, so it tis a good idea!
Requests! I have added the ability to request themes and cannon characters for the $6+ tier.
Early access to drawing vids: The $6+ patrons also get early access to whatever vids I finish early, currently they are speed draws but I plan on expanding to other things soon.
I've also started uploading vids to my youtube.
I have a few different collabs with people I'm working on as well. We mayhaps see them soon sometimes yes? We shall see...

Though I do have a question. I have seen several artists who do this thing with requests. They set a certain day, or days, and they stream, and patrons of that certain amount get to get requests for what they want during that stream. Would ya'll be interested in that if I added that to a $10 tier? (the tier would also include the previous tiers benefits as well). Because I think it would be fun, and if I could get 6-8 people to do it, I could stream requests for those people for 6-8 whole hours.

In a similar question about streams, would anyone be interested in stream rental/art slave? It would work similar to that above but not go through patreon. And it would be $12 per hour. (It would be scheduled at a time when my kids are not at home, so no distractions you know? They got school coming up so that would be super cool to do.) Iv'e seen others do it, and it also looks like fun.

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