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What's up, guys? by Fury

I know I've been mostly absent in the last several years. I'm hoping I can rectify that now. No promises, though.

As far as artwork is concerned, I've been doing more of it. I've got more time to do it and I feel like doing it for a change, so I'm looking at some of my old sketches and deciding if they're worth finishing up as well as making some new sketches. I am, however, doing more elf/human art lately than furry art. I'm not abandoning furry art. I'm just doing some things I've wanted to do for a long time, but never got around to before.

My personal life is good. My husband and I are both well, as is our little boy. He'll be 4 years old in November. My beloved cat Chibi died in June. She was 16 years old. Her mind was sharp, but old age had caught up with her body. She went peacefully at the vet's office with my husband and I present to comfort her. Our other cats, Fuzzy, Murray, and Sherman are all doing well. My 2 cockatiels, Birdie and Honey Bun, are both doing fine, and I have a new feather baby named Beep. He's a Green Cheek Conure.

Nothing else much to talk about, I guess. Hope you're all doing well. :)

What's up, guys?


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    It's hard to believe your son is going to be four years old...I think I started following you at FA around the time he was born, I do remember you talking about him! :)

    I would love to see your Elf art, especially as I've been a long time fan of things like D&D and ElfQuest! Great to see you back! :D

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    Hey there, it's been a while. I hope you're doing well too.