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FE: Sick As A Bag Of Dicks by belicbear

Here's my track record with traveling and illness...

I went to FurFright and got sick (cold).

I went to FC and threw up in my shoes (flu).

I went to Furna Equinox and got some weird dirty Canadian virus (syphilis).

There's only one real conclusion: Furries in every part of the world are filthy, sick, and contagious. Don't touch me. ;o)

Some of you may be new to my journals and humor (or just reading in general), so let me clarify that I did NOT get syphilis at FE. I got a cold. Syphilis sounds a lot funnier than a cold. It's a funnier disease all the way around if you think about it. Sure it's no "Bells Palsy" or "Tuberculosis", but it does okay on the comedy scale. ;o)

Money and weather concerns had the trip up in the air until the last minute, but we rolled the dice and had an event-free drive, and a really nice time. I want to thank RedcoatCat and Shane (who loves purple) for a tail-raising good time filled with more Hitler jokes than a bag of dicks. ;o)

I will weave the only minor downside of the trip into a constructive bit of feedback. *clears throat* When someone greets you warmly, gives you a hug, and says they like the new hotel and that the city of Toronto is bigger than they thought it would be, the first words out of your mouth should NOT be, 'Unlike the United States it's not dirty and filled with stupid people and George Bush.' In fact, at NO POINT in ANY conversation with another person should that embarrassing chunk of ignorance leave your mouth. It makes you, your country, and your con look like a product of inbred redneck retards, and doesn't make people like you or want to return. Just a friendly tip. ;o)

The next one won't be friendly. I promise you.

Now, that was just a single isolated incident, and by no means reflects upon the wonderful people of Canada and FE as a whole. To judge a group of people, let alone an entire country, on ill-informed stereotypes would be the pinnacle of ignorance (see example above). I have Canadian blood, and have visited the country many times, and save for two individuals I've found the people there to be among the kindest, most generous I've ever met. And my time at FE was no exception. I spent time with old friends, and made many new ones. Thank you all for your hospitality. ;o)

I spent most of my time helping around the con, doing turns at the What The Fur? table in the Dealers' Room, spending time at RedCoatCat's table, and wandering around having fun.

Highlights include...

Spending time with BT, Purplehaze, Feli, Manny, Twitchy, Arctic, Firebreath, Pakesh, HollyAnn, Trinsic, Kalika, Nace, Jaxx, Lanakila, Heather, Sandy, Stripes, Missy, Kanthara, Beekin, Foxx, Pansier, Chance, Eco Wolf, Raed Wolf, Kalden Lion, Fire Bear, Ghost, Addison, Frank Balbjorn, Mad Ferret, and many others.

And dinner at Moxie's with Kalika, Nace, HollyAnn, Trinsic, K'gra, Redcoatcat, Shane, Lanakila and Jaxx was one of the best times I've ever had! I laughed so hard I literally hurt myself!

Oh, and I'm moving into the woman's bathroom at Moxie's. It's been decided. The bathrooms at that place are nicer than any home I've ever been in. There were TV screens playing hockey over EVERY urinal and toilet. There was a fireplace in the bathroom. A FREAKIN' FIREPLACE! The sink looked like it was designed by Frank Lloyed Wright! There was plush chairs with makeup mirrors and controls to dim the lights! When I pooped angels began to sing!

And on that bombshell it's time to say goodnight.



FE: Sick As A Bag Of Dicks


Journal Information



  • Link

    "When I pooped angels began to sing!" Um sir you apparently mistook the screaming of many a female as "singing" we regret to inform you that it was anything but singing...*grins*

    Minus the syphillis sounds like you had a good time! :)

    • Link

      Singing, screaming... Who can tell? All I know is I'm peeing by the fireplace and watching hockey at the same time. Let the woman figure their own problems out. XD

  • Link

    Very happy that you had a good time!

    Hopefully, you can do that again in 2 months. ;3

    • Link

      Can't WAIT for What The Fur? My favorite con! ;o)

  • Link

    It's not furries that make you ill, it's me!

    All of those cons you came into contact with me and I was sick at all of them. XP

    I'll try not to be ill for WTF.

    • Link

      Impossible! We were covered in hand sanitizer the whole time! XD No, it's my fault for eating your food. A cold is a small price to pay for chocolate and mint-covered waffle cone bits! XD

      Cold or not, I wouldn't change a thing! That was one of the best times I've ever had at a con. Thank you SO much for everything, and for letting me hang with you and Shane!

  • Link

    I dunno, for some reason bells palsy does make me chuckle a lot too.

    Sounds like a good time though. Wish I had the time, money, and papers to go to Canada, the cons sound awesome and I have some friends up there I'd like to see.

    • Link

      Disease: If you don't have it, it's funny. LOL

      What The Fur in Montreal is my favorite con by far. It's smaller, intimate, and the staff and people are very welcoming and kind. The "feel" is everything I desire in a con. I basically feel the same way about WTF as people say they feel about FurFright. ;o)

      If you ever get the funds you should definitely come on up! That's my relax-a-con, and I have plenty of time to hangout! It'd be great to see you! ;o)

  • Link

    :D I've been mentioned! Yay!

    A shame some guy was a dumb ass at one point, but I am glad you enjoyed the trip! I do hope we get to meet again!

    • Link

      Yes you have, sweet ferret! *the burly bruin gives you a big hug* It was a pleasure to meet you and your mate!

      There are ignorant people in every country and culture, but I've met FAR more kind people in Canada than idiots! ;o)

      Hope I get to see you again too! What other cons do you hit?

      • Link

        Unfortunately, several limitations keep it just being Furnal Equinox :( If I do do something else, I'll drop you a line!

  • Link

    A bag of dicks! lol oh the images that came into my mind...

  • Link

    Ah yes, the Moxie's bathrooms. That story was reiterated to me last night by Miss Meezer. Perhaps if you come to visit us sometime, I'll take you down to the Oak Bay Beach Hotel and you can enjoy that loo, which is so posh it has gilded asswipes. Lavatory reconnaissance benefits us all, after all.

    • Link

      She shared my secret Moxie's bathroom fetish?! *hides in shame* Seriously, I'm moving in. XD

      I would LOVE to visit Victoria! I've heard about all the places to see and great food. I'd like to get up there next year.

  • Link

    ROFL!! OMG, that comment about angels singing when you pooped had me fall back in my chair laughing my gut out! XD Those bathrooms were pretty special though, I'm jealous! *I* wish I had a fireplace somewhere in my house, yet that bathroom had one all of it's own. It's NO FAIR! XD

    It was awesome seeing you and K'gra again too, it's so rare we get to hang out outside of the convention and stuff, and we had fun at Moxie's :) Let me know if you guys ever visit Vermont, we'd love to show you around and stuff! :)

    • Link

      You mean they didn't sing for you too?! XD I know what you mean. The bathroom at Moxie's, for most people, is the nicest room they'll EVER be in! And nicer than any house we'll ever own! XD

      It was great seeing you too! We're so stressed and busy at FF that we never get a chance to really sit down, relax, and spend quality time with friends. ;o)

      Thank you! We love Vermont, and we'd love to visit and have you show us around! ;o)

      • Link

        LOL! No, they didn't sing for me, cuz I only had used the bathroom to wash my hands from those chicken wings we had :) But still! Holy crap BATHROOM!

        I don't know how busy I might be at WTF, but I hope we can get the chance to hang out again while there! =D

        • Link

          Well we'll definitely be at WTF, and we should try to get together at least one of those nights and grab a meal and hangout. It's always a joy to see you and our little Canadian gang of misfits! XD

          • Link

            And MEAD! Gotta have some mead :)

  • Link

    Glad I've seen you there Belic! See you at WTF If I can make it... If not see you at FF!! :D

    • Link

      Please PLEASE try and make it to WTF! I'd love to see you again! ;o)

  • Link

    Sorry to hear that you got hit with yet another case of the con plague... But hopefully it was still nice to have a few days away. That bathroom sounds awesome, but wait... why has no one asked the obvious question, why were you in the women's bathroom??? :-)

    • Link

      It was a really fun weekend. And Toronto is HUGE! Biggest city I've ever seen. And while we were there we took a tour of Fort York (from the War of 1812), which was really cool.

      Why was I in the women's bathroom? Because all the women at our table kept returning from it raving! "OMG, have you seen the bathroom?!" You can't hype something that much and expect me not to take a look! XD

  • Link

    Hockey on TVs in the bathrooms? Where were you, freaking Oz? I'd never be able to stand up again from how asleep my legs would be!

    • Link

      Yup! Take a dump and watch the game! If they delivered food to the bathroom stalls there'd be no reason to leave! XD

  • Link

    Ugh...I know you gotta hate getting sick. *hugs* I know you have to be better by now ^^ its been nearly a month x3

    • Link

      Thanks pal. *hugs* Yeah, I hate getting that horribly sick. But I'm better now. ;o)