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Back w/ some Life Updates by KaitoFletcher

Hey guys, so I'm back from 'vacation' as of yesterday. It was basically the worst few days of my life, so I guess I'm glad to be back. Long story short, it was awkward to begin with due to my younger sister's boyfriend being there, then right in the middle of the trip my parents decided they were getting a divorce and mother packed up her stuff, got in the car and left without a word. Then we found out my grandmother has cancer. So, y'know. I'm currently kind of dead inside, have to console a lot of people as they cry and come to terms with the divorce, though I myself don't actually know anyone IRL, so it's been a struggle through loneliness throughout this entire debacle.

Anyways, Kai pity party aside, Just wanted to let you guys know I'm back. I'm going to be trying to work soon, I've been struggling to even get myself out of bed or out of my chair to go get food, but I think it will be nice to try to focus on something. I need to take on enough commissions to pay next month's rent again while still finishing last month's stuff, so, that'll be interesting.

But yeah, sorry for any future delays, I'm strugglin'.

  • Kai

Back w/ some Life Updates


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  • Link

    I am sorry to hear this happened to you Kai. if there is anything I can do for you?

  • Link

    That's really unfortunate news. >_< I hope you can oull yourself out of that funk.
    Glad to have ya back though! ^^

  • Link

    Wow. Hard to imagine the trip going much worse without someone dying there on the spot. Sorry to hear everything went so badly :(

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    I was barely old enough to remember it when my parents broke up. I've learned a lot about why it happened over the years and have come to the conclusion it was probably for the best and while the situation is exceptionally different for you the only advice I can offer is the horribly corny and repetitive crap you'd here in TV and movies. It's not because of the kids, but in my experience my parents ended up fighting over who'd stay with who and all kinds of custody crap that ended up making me hate both my parents. I'm not saying it will happen, just trying to offer advice based on what happened with my parents; Don't let them use you (or your sister) to get an advantage on one another, for whatever reason. After my parents got divorced it turned into a battle of 'who could raise them better' and has resulted in me not knowing who my brother is in like ten years. I don't know how big of an issue that'll be with you but it's the only advice I can give.

    I hope things start looking better for you again soon.

    • Link

      I'm 22 and have my own place, my sister is 18, has a boyfriend and is moving out next week, so there will be no issues over custody. More so I worry for them both and their ability to move on from eachother. Today is their 25th anniversary and they're best friends, I just want them both to be able to move on from it and enjoy their lives.

      • Link

        When my brother and I were still "in the picture" for this kinda thing they were sorta.. Passively fighting, nothing really bad, no screaming matches or physical confrontation or anything but that was really the worst of it, just an endless legal battle, now that I'm out of the house and presumably my brother as well (He's been living with Dad for the last eight years or something, I lost count) they just don't talk to each other anymore; which I guess is a positive outcome, it's not negative at least. I don't really know much about your situation but from the way you described it in the journal I doubt it'll get too bad... Which is kinda relative a term but still.

        What I'm trying to say is it's gonna hurt for awhile but things'll eventually get better, you can handle it.

  • Link

    Wow, what the fuck.

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    Sorry to hear that, I know life can be shit and destroy all the walls that you have built up, but it just gives you the opportunity to form new ones in new ways. Alot of us in your "fanbase" are here for you and probably always will be.

    So don't try and take everything on yourself :P

  • Link

    I'm sorry.

  • Link

    Just checked Weasyl and saw this. Hope you're doing alright.