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I'm sick, as of 7/20/2016... by PrivateDoomsday

Until I get better, I will not accept for any other requests, except for one request, that "Zalmmuna-Pegasus-Alicorn 2" may receive, but it HAS to be SFW.
I am too sick, to take any more requests, at the moment, because I need time to take a break, and simply rest more. Plus, I wanna spend some time on some of my other hobbies in return.
Wanna know why I got sick? Apparently, it's a bug I caught, after food poisoning. And not only that, they said that I was REALLY sick; I couldn't blame them however, because I also had nausea, in the morning. But thankfully, I didn't vomit. It was all thanks, to the soft beverages that comfort sick stomachs; soda!
The only good news, of today? I finally managed to finish my art trade, with another user. And also, I got an AWESOME new jacket, from an Army Surplus store, for no more than 40$ And whether it was new or simply used, it was apparently an airforce soldier coat, and it looked REALLY nice! I bought it right away, after trying it; especially because it would match a hat I have!
Also, until then, I gotta get some rest.

If you want to draw me anything, as a "get well" gift, ask me what I'd like to see, as a request. Not to worry; I only seek the good, clean, SFW images, for requests, when it comes to art.

I'm sick, as of 7/20/2016...


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