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Convention time is coming by Cyborg-Lucario

It's convention time soon and I will be attending Närcon 2016 in Linköping from the 28th to 31st. Yikes, that's just two weeks away. o_O;
I was hoping to afford materials to make my Cyborg-Lucario suit or let someone else do it, but I haven't been able to due to economics.
So yeah, I might need to save some money again after Närcon so that I may be able to afford the suit. Though I guess that the commission money could help things out. Though I need to make a proper character sheet so that the one making the suit (whether it be me or someone else) will have an easier time.

Well, I hope I will still have fun there even without having a suit. Maybe I'll hang out in the roleplayers room and go and watch some anime and movies that they're showing in the two movie rooms.

And I should really get better at Pokkén Tournament so that I might not suck at it during the convention.

So with that out of the way, how are you all doing? :3

Oh wait, I just want to apologize to all my friends here because I haven't drawn any birthday gifts to them. ._.

Convention time is coming


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