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Fundamentalist Antichristianity by ACDragon

Contrary to popular myth, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not homosexuality. Rather, it was extreme xenophobia and nationalism. In other words, the very things that some American "Christians" advocate are the same sins that got several cities nuked by God in the book of Genesis.

The preacher I used to listen to was right: if God doesn't judge America, he'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. But it's not because of the acceptance of LGBT people in this country. It's because of the hatred and oppression of various groups of people by people who claim to love Jesus... and the worst part is that they're doing it in the name of Jesus.

These people follow a "Jesus" who isn't the Jesus of the Bible. As such, they follow what Jesus called an "Antichrist." Maybe we should all start referring to these people as "Antichristians," because they're obviously not Christians. If they were Christians, they would be obeying Jesus, rather than using him as an excuse to oppress people they don't like.

One more thing, before I forget: Jesus said that the children of his father are the people who do what he said to do, and that people who claim to be his followers but don't obey him are children of the devil, because they do the devil's works. That means that in order to be a "child of god," you must obey Jesus' commands, no matter what your church tells you. And nowhere in his commands is there anything saying "take away from the poor," "focus on other people's sins," "oppress homosexuals," "fight against gay marriage," or even, for that matter, "worship me." He never said any of those things in those words or in any other words. Love God and love your neighbor, that's it. Treat people with kindness and don't make excuses or use "tough love" arguments to get out of doing what he said to do. The fact is, people who don't worship Jesus but who do the things he said to do are more Christian than you are.

"You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works." - James 2:18

Fundamentalist Antichristianity


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